Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lucrative Article Writing - How to Create a Catchy Article Writing in 6 Ways

By Sean R Mize

If you are wondering on how you can come up with an article writing designed to catch many potential readers, thus clients in the long run, this article will greatly help as it contains the 6 proven ways on how you can create powerful copies that deliver excellent results:

1. Write an catchy subject line or title. You should phrase the subject line or the headline so that it tells immediately the reader what the article's message is all about. A subject line or a headline should direct and compel the readers towards what they should expect to see in the preceding pages of the whole article material. A precise headline can prompt a reader to read your message before others.

2. Keep screen length in mind when organizing your ideas. Why is that? What does it do? You should organize your whole article so the most important information fits on the first screen. Remember, if you message goes out onto a second or third screen, earlier screens are no longer visible to your reader. The lesson here is you should avoid long articles.

3. Make it easy for your reader to respond to what you have written. Word a message so that the reader can get back to you when he needs further assistance. Usually, putting this on your resource box is the most appropriate way to do it.

4. Always maintain conciseness on your writings. Use phrases or sentences, short words, and abbreviations when necessary but be careful that your message is not cryptic that it must be decoded or so terse that it seems rude. Make sure too, that your style is not disjointed that you would be embarrassed if your message were read by a wide audience.

5. Re-read your message in various tones of voice to prevent misunderstandings. Whenever you write, you control meaning - and tone -- solely by the words you choose.

6. Do not forget that many people may read your articles. Thus, it is important that you use the simplest words and writing style so anyone, including those who are not very fluent in English can grasp your points.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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