Friday, February 12, 2010

Write What You Love Most

Love is an interesting topic and writing something about it is not that difficult specially if these are taken from personal experience.

Go on writing now because love will surely make the tip of you pen round and round.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Great New Year 2009

Wishing you a prosperous New year....but keep on writing...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Writing To Change The Way People View Their World - How To Write Articles That Make a Difference

By Connie Ragen Green

Writing can change the way you look at the world. When others read your writing they are also changed by reading your words. In essence, you are writing to change the world, one person at a time. Words are so powerful that you must always be thoughtful of what you are writing. It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword because the written word has had so much effect on our world since the beginning of time.

When you write you may be attempting to change people's minds or at least the way they think on a certain topic. You must use caution with this type of writing because there is so much at stake when you write to persuade someone to do something differently in their life. You have an obligation to present both sides of an argument so that your reader can make up their own mind after reviewing the information as you have presented it in your work. This is not an easy task. You are writing to change someone's reality and, if you are successful, their life will never be the same.

Because we are now in a global economy, we can reach others around the world with what we write. People that previously would have been unable to read anything we would write in our lifetimes can now access our writing with one click of the mouse. This convenience comes with a great responsibility to present our views with regard to cultural diversity and tradition.

I encourage you to write so that you can be a part of the conversation of the world and have your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas become part of the human record for eternity.

And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting

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How To Write With Authority When You Have None

By Marvin Double

A well seasoned working writer once gave a class on making living writing articles as a profession. He was a veteran that had earned his stripes long before the internet created a new publishing platform.

He spent his working life earning is daily bread creating readable, entertaining and informative material that met the approval of his real critics, editors. His was a world freelance assignment tight deadlines and exacting editorial guidelines. It was an environment with no latitude for non-production where amateur writing was simply unacceptable.

Well seasoned, tested and battle hardened from years in the demanding work-a-day world of production line creativity, he had churned out volumes, 500 words at a time. His sage advice tempered by long experience was, write well but not overly well and do so with authority.

The point was driven home further when he elaborated slightly more. He said that, : the real secret to creating good acceptable articles is not in the use of a flashy style or magnificent command of language". It is he stated bluntly, "in providing solid useful information, written in an entertaining and engaging manner, period".

In a nutshell the formula that served this prolific writer so well was, as might be expected is, dead simple. Find a way to make the information meaningful to the reader in a very personal way. His own tested and true technique was to weave lots of quotes from experts into the piece and use statistics to support the slant of the piece.

He provided several examples which clearly illustrated the point. Following is fictions sample written using this simple format.

It's a common misconception that the greatest cause of injury in a car accident can be attributed to high speed or careless driving. According to an Dr Smith an expert in the field of trauma medicine, the exact opposite may in fact be closer to the truth.

Speaking a the recent convention of the "National Association of Trauma Specialists" Dr smith told members of the association that, "head injuries from automobile accidents account for at least fifty percent of all fatalities in trauma centers.

He further illustrated the point by citing a chilling fact from a recent federally funded national study of vehicular accidents over the last 5 years. According to Smith, that groundbreaking study found that, "sixty percent of all automobile accidents resulting in fatalities occur within 20 miles from home at speeds under 35 miles per hour".

The writing style is not poetic and it is deliberately used so as to let the information speak for itself. Dressed up and presented in a slightly more polished form you can clearly see how it would catch the attention of a reader, especially if that reader were someone for whom auto safety was a matter of interest.

Name virtually any topic and you'll find statistics and experts on it. The sources of such information are almost endless. Professional journals and trade publications not normally read by the general public are especially rich sources of material. Learning how to properly quote from, reference and credit other authors or publications is an important part of any writers essential tool kit.

The real challenge of the writer is not so much finding reference materials, as it is to take those often dry and uninteresting bits of information and make them come alive for the reader. The unadorned information alone can't make the work interesting, that's the writers job.

This old pro, speaking to those seeking to emulate his success was humble but forthright about his accomplishments. Because he understood his craft he was in constant demand by editors. Putting humility aside it is a fact that he was so good at his craft that he was frequently cited as being an expert on subject about which he knew virtually nothing prior to taking an assignment.

While he commonly used only references from journals and other published work, often times would in fact interview an expert over the phone and get original first hand information which was exclusive. When written from such an interview the article really did have a very authoritative tone and tenor which set it apart.

Writing with authority is a matter of borrowing the authority of others, its part art, part intuition but mostly just a bunch of detective work. It's all about mining data and researching the subject then knitting together quotes and relevant facts in an informal but informative and engaging style.

Find those facts that make the reader go hum, I never knew that. Find quotes from experts that enlighten or even enrage a reader, make them think or ponder but never make them bored.

This highly respected writer told us that, for him, the acid test for any article if it stimulated something he called "the spousal nudge". That is to say, it had a paragraph or phrase that jumped up off the page and made a husband or wife poke their spouse and say, "honey look at this".

The internet is filled with reworked material and articles that have no real value. All writers should take stock and take note of the valuable insights from someone who's career was build on writing with authority.

What ever you subject have courage, be brave, dig deep and find a way to tell your reader something they don't already know.

Marvin Double is an experienced author who writes about internet marketing, e-commerce blogging and a variety of related and unrelated topics of interest. He brings over 30 years experience as a business entrepreneur off line to the internet marketing community. For additional articles or resources for internet marketers please visit

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Article Writing Secrets - The DNA of a Great Article in Just 4 Powerful Parts

By Jeff Herring

Article writing requires the following four simple yet powerful ingredients for a great article.

1. It's good enough to represent you well on the internet

It doesn't have to be perfect. By that I don't mean sloppy, gross, bad, full of typos and other things.

So I'm not saying be careless. Do your spell check, do your grammar check, but get your article out there. Success that may not be perfect but it's success out there working for you versus an article sitting in your computer that you'll finish 'some day.'

2. Actionable info

It's stuff people can use. Give them at least one gold nugget that they can take and use right away. Don't worry about giving away the store. If your store only has one nugget, you need to grow your store, you need to get deeper into your niche and put some more things into that store.

3. Know, like, and trust factor

This is so important. It's why I'm always stressing writing like you talk, because that is one of the best ways to help people know, like, and trust you. Just write like you talk.

Back when I was a relationship coach and marriage and family therapist, one of the best compliments I ever received from anybody - and I just grinned when someone would tell me this - they'd say, "Jeff, you don't talk like a therapist."

My first thought was, "Oh, thank goodness!" I used to joke it off, but then I realized that's important to that person. Because I talk like a regular person, or I did when I was working with people in their heads and hearts, they felt like they could talk with me. They felt comfortable because I'm just about as regular of a person as you can get.

So write like you talk. When you're writing, think about talking to people in your niche - certain people, one person - this is how you get people to know, like, and trust you.

Also you help people to know, like and trust you when you give them something they can do and take action on, when you help them solve a problem.

4. Give me more now

That's when you leave them in the article wanting more of your information and wanting it from you. Write those two lines down, that's very important and critical to what we're talking about here. They want more information and they want it from you.

That's golden, folks. That's how you set yourself apart in your niche and become the go-to person, by writing lots and lots of articles that are good enough to represent you well, that have actionable information, things people can go and use right away, that help people to know, like, and trust you, and leave people wanting more now.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

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Article Writing Secrets - A Simple & Powerful 4 Part Formula for Writing Your Next Article Today

By Jeff Herring

I've noticed a curious pattern among brand new and even experienced article article writers. Newbies get the first one done and then don't quickly move on to the second article. Experienced article writers finish one article and do not move on to the next.

Would you like a simple yet powerful four part formula for writing your next article today? Read on so you can write your next article today.

Step 1 - Identify a problem area in your niche that you can break down into 3 stages. For example, one really simple way to name the stages could be Mild, Moderate and Severe.

Step 2 - List and name the stages of the problem in your niche.

Mild Problem

Moderate Problem

Severe Problem

Step 3 - Then for each stage list the signs and symptoms of each stage. In the mild stage write about the early warning signs and how the reader can notice them in the beginning. In the moderate stage explain how the problem progresses into more signs and symptoms. In the severe stage demonstrate how bad things can get.

Step 4 - So now you have the problem broken down into three stages with the signs and symptoms of each stage. Now you want to list the solutions for each stage. What can the reader do to still be preventative in the mild stage? What can the reader do in the moderate stage to fix a problem before it gets even worse? And finally, what can be done to pull the situation back from disaster once the problem has reached the severe stage?

And you can also visit for more free tips and tools for using this four step approach.

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

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The Magic Formula For Writing Lots Of Articles And Exploding Your Traffic

By Mark A. Abrahams

Article writing is one of the best ways that you can start your business. When you first start out it will be very likely that you do not have much of a budget.

Advertising like ezines and ppc can be very expensive. They do work as they will find you targeted buyers. In this article I am going to run through some ideas that will help you to write lots of quality articles.

The biggest problem with article writing is actually just to get going. Most people never get going. Once you start writing it will become easier to write more.

The next biggest problem is that many people run out of ideas. If you are writing 10 to 20 articles every day it will become very difficult to keep on finding new stuff. I suggest that you keep track electronically of all your ideas. When you think of something make a note of it. Later on when you are writing you will easily choose an idea that you have already and save a lot of time.

Use templates as a basic format. So for example if you only have 10 templates you can use this format to write many articles around these. Basically, all you need to do is fill in the blanks.

Finally, when you are doing this consistently you will keep on experiencing writer's block. Some days you will not feel like doing anything. The easiest way to overcome this is by taking a break and then coming back refreshed. Or sometimes just change your state for example if you have the stereo on switch it off and work in quiet.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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