Monday, February 4, 2008

Write Markets

By Ward Tipton

So, you have decided to make the leap and become a professional writer. You have been practicing, getting better and working out all of the bugs and now you are ready to go but there is still one little problem. You have no clue where to go to find paying markets and you have no idea what to do once you find them. One solution is to work for free but that is really not a viable alternative for most people. So what do you do now?

If you are planning on making a living writing on the internet, you will soon discover that the search engines are you new best friends. You can use the search engines to discover new markets, figure out how much they pay and even discover ones that will allow you to continue making a living in your selected field.

The best place to start is by doing a search for the actual subject of your writing. For example, if you wanted to write in the Science Fiction genre you could look up Science Fiction and you will find a great number of markets. Still, that will not be enough to get you accepted by anybody but it will give you a brief idea of exactly what is available within that market.

You then need to figure out which markets are currently looking for new writers. Your search will be similar in some ways but you will have to add a little on to your original search to get the results that you will need. Adding two little words to the back of your search will offer some surprising results. Use the term Submission Guidelines in your search and you will now have a list of instructions for submission to these sites.

Again, this will not be enough but it will provide you with some additional markets and you should begin taking notes of those markets that are hiring in your prospective field. Add a few other search terms, mix and match them and before long you will have a long list of publications and web sites which may be looking for your materials. Try searching for Writer's Guidelines as well. This term usually returns results for publications that are actually seeking writers and not just a general submission standard that may include everything from authors to graphic artists, and on down the line of people required to put a publication together.

Pay Schedules is another term that you may want to look up as well. Payment Rates, Writer's Rates and keep on searching along these lines until you find those publications that more exactly meet your requirements. Finding a market that pays is not nearly as difficult as some people will make it out to be. However, to find the ones that you will be comfortable working with for a rate that you are comfortable working for, it may take a little more work on your part.

The more comfortable you are in a market and the more comfortable you are with the pay the happier you will be with the whole writing environment. If you are like most people, this will be reflected in your writing as well. This cycle can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy but if you are willing to do a little bit of work and research before you begin your writing, you will save yourself a lot of grief in the long run.

Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.

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