Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Writing To Change The Way People View Their World - How To Write Articles That Make a Difference
By Connie Ragen Green
Writing can change the way you look at the world. When others read your writing they are also changed by reading your words. In essence, you are writing to change the world, one person at a time. Words are so powerful that you must always be thoughtful of what you are writing. It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword because the written word has had so much effect on our world since the beginning of time.
When you write you may be attempting to change people's minds or at least the way they think on a certain topic. You must use caution with this type of writing because there is so much at stake when you write to persuade someone to do something differently in their life. You have an obligation to present both sides of an argument so that your reader can make up their own mind after reviewing the information as you have presented it in your work. This is not an easy task. You are writing to change someone's reality and, if you are successful, their life will never be the same.
Because we are now in a global economy, we can reach others around the world with what we write. People that previously would have been unable to read anything we would write in our lifetimes can now access our writing with one click of the mouse. This convenience comes with a great responsibility to present our views with regard to cultural diversity and tradition.
I encourage you to write so that you can be a part of the conversation of the world and have your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas become part of the human record for eternity.
And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting
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Writing can change the way you look at the world. When others read your writing they are also changed by reading your words. In essence, you are writing to change the world, one person at a time. Words are so powerful that you must always be thoughtful of what you are writing. It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword because the written word has had so much effect on our world since the beginning of time.
When you write you may be attempting to change people's minds or at least the way they think on a certain topic. You must use caution with this type of writing because there is so much at stake when you write to persuade someone to do something differently in their life. You have an obligation to present both sides of an argument so that your reader can make up their own mind after reviewing the information as you have presented it in your work. This is not an easy task. You are writing to change someone's reality and, if you are successful, their life will never be the same.
Because we are now in a global economy, we can reach others around the world with what we write. People that previously would have been unable to read anything we would write in our lifetimes can now access our writing with one click of the mouse. This convenience comes with a great responsibility to present our views with regard to cultural diversity and tradition.
I encourage you to write so that you can be a part of the conversation of the world and have your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas become part of the human record for eternity.
And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting
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How To Write With Authority When You Have None
By Marvin Double
A well seasoned working writer once gave a class on making living writing articles as a profession. He was a veteran that had earned his stripes long before the internet created a new publishing platform.
He spent his working life earning is daily bread creating readable, entertaining and informative material that met the approval of his real critics, editors. His was a world freelance assignment tight deadlines and exacting editorial guidelines. It was an environment with no latitude for non-production where amateur writing was simply unacceptable.
Well seasoned, tested and battle hardened from years in the demanding work-a-day world of production line creativity, he had churned out volumes, 500 words at a time. His sage advice tempered by long experience was, write well but not overly well and do so with authority.
The point was driven home further when he elaborated slightly more. He said that, : the real secret to creating good acceptable articles is not in the use of a flashy style or magnificent command of language". It is he stated bluntly, "in providing solid useful information, written in an entertaining and engaging manner, period".
In a nutshell the formula that served this prolific writer so well was, as might be expected is, dead simple. Find a way to make the information meaningful to the reader in a very personal way. His own tested and true technique was to weave lots of quotes from experts into the piece and use statistics to support the slant of the piece.
He provided several examples which clearly illustrated the point. Following is fictions sample written using this simple format.
It's a common misconception that the greatest cause of injury in a car accident can be attributed to high speed or careless driving. According to an Dr Smith an expert in the field of trauma medicine, the exact opposite may in fact be closer to the truth.
Speaking a the recent convention of the "National Association of Trauma Specialists" Dr smith told members of the association that, "head injuries from automobile accidents account for at least fifty percent of all fatalities in trauma centers.
He further illustrated the point by citing a chilling fact from a recent federally funded national study of vehicular accidents over the last 5 years. According to Smith, that groundbreaking study found that, "sixty percent of all automobile accidents resulting in fatalities occur within 20 miles from home at speeds under 35 miles per hour".
The writing style is not poetic and it is deliberately used so as to let the information speak for itself. Dressed up and presented in a slightly more polished form you can clearly see how it would catch the attention of a reader, especially if that reader were someone for whom auto safety was a matter of interest.
Name virtually any topic and you'll find statistics and experts on it. The sources of such information are almost endless. Professional journals and trade publications not normally read by the general public are especially rich sources of material. Learning how to properly quote from, reference and credit other authors or publications is an important part of any writers essential tool kit.
The real challenge of the writer is not so much finding reference materials, as it is to take those often dry and uninteresting bits of information and make them come alive for the reader. The unadorned information alone can't make the work interesting, that's the writers job.
This old pro, speaking to those seeking to emulate his success was humble but forthright about his accomplishments. Because he understood his craft he was in constant demand by editors. Putting humility aside it is a fact that he was so good at his craft that he was frequently cited as being an expert on subject about which he knew virtually nothing prior to taking an assignment.
While he commonly used only references from journals and other published work, often times would in fact interview an expert over the phone and get original first hand information which was exclusive. When written from such an interview the article really did have a very authoritative tone and tenor which set it apart.
Writing with authority is a matter of borrowing the authority of others, its part art, part intuition but mostly just a bunch of detective work. It's all about mining data and researching the subject then knitting together quotes and relevant facts in an informal but informative and engaging style.
Find those facts that make the reader go hum, I never knew that. Find quotes from experts that enlighten or even enrage a reader, make them think or ponder but never make them bored.
This highly respected writer told us that, for him, the acid test for any article if it stimulated something he called "the spousal nudge". That is to say, it had a paragraph or phrase that jumped up off the page and made a husband or wife poke their spouse and say, "honey look at this".
The internet is filled with reworked material and articles that have no real value. All writers should take stock and take note of the valuable insights from someone who's career was build on writing with authority.
What ever you subject have courage, be brave, dig deep and find a way to tell your reader something they don't already know.
Marvin Double is an experienced author who writes about internet marketing, e-commerce blogging and a variety of related and unrelated topics of interest. He brings over 30 years experience as a business entrepreneur off line to the internet marketing community. For additional articles or resources for internet marketers please visit
Article Source:
A well seasoned working writer once gave a class on making living writing articles as a profession. He was a veteran that had earned his stripes long before the internet created a new publishing platform.
He spent his working life earning is daily bread creating readable, entertaining and informative material that met the approval of his real critics, editors. His was a world freelance assignment tight deadlines and exacting editorial guidelines. It was an environment with no latitude for non-production where amateur writing was simply unacceptable.
Well seasoned, tested and battle hardened from years in the demanding work-a-day world of production line creativity, he had churned out volumes, 500 words at a time. His sage advice tempered by long experience was, write well but not overly well and do so with authority.
The point was driven home further when he elaborated slightly more. He said that, : the real secret to creating good acceptable articles is not in the use of a flashy style or magnificent command of language". It is he stated bluntly, "in providing solid useful information, written in an entertaining and engaging manner, period".
In a nutshell the formula that served this prolific writer so well was, as might be expected is, dead simple. Find a way to make the information meaningful to the reader in a very personal way. His own tested and true technique was to weave lots of quotes from experts into the piece and use statistics to support the slant of the piece.
He provided several examples which clearly illustrated the point. Following is fictions sample written using this simple format.
It's a common misconception that the greatest cause of injury in a car accident can be attributed to high speed or careless driving. According to an Dr Smith an expert in the field of trauma medicine, the exact opposite may in fact be closer to the truth.
Speaking a the recent convention of the "National Association of Trauma Specialists" Dr smith told members of the association that, "head injuries from automobile accidents account for at least fifty percent of all fatalities in trauma centers.
He further illustrated the point by citing a chilling fact from a recent federally funded national study of vehicular accidents over the last 5 years. According to Smith, that groundbreaking study found that, "sixty percent of all automobile accidents resulting in fatalities occur within 20 miles from home at speeds under 35 miles per hour".
The writing style is not poetic and it is deliberately used so as to let the information speak for itself. Dressed up and presented in a slightly more polished form you can clearly see how it would catch the attention of a reader, especially if that reader were someone for whom auto safety was a matter of interest.
Name virtually any topic and you'll find statistics and experts on it. The sources of such information are almost endless. Professional journals and trade publications not normally read by the general public are especially rich sources of material. Learning how to properly quote from, reference and credit other authors or publications is an important part of any writers essential tool kit.
The real challenge of the writer is not so much finding reference materials, as it is to take those often dry and uninteresting bits of information and make them come alive for the reader. The unadorned information alone can't make the work interesting, that's the writers job.
This old pro, speaking to those seeking to emulate his success was humble but forthright about his accomplishments. Because he understood his craft he was in constant demand by editors. Putting humility aside it is a fact that he was so good at his craft that he was frequently cited as being an expert on subject about which he knew virtually nothing prior to taking an assignment.
While he commonly used only references from journals and other published work, often times would in fact interview an expert over the phone and get original first hand information which was exclusive. When written from such an interview the article really did have a very authoritative tone and tenor which set it apart.
Writing with authority is a matter of borrowing the authority of others, its part art, part intuition but mostly just a bunch of detective work. It's all about mining data and researching the subject then knitting together quotes and relevant facts in an informal but informative and engaging style.
Find those facts that make the reader go hum, I never knew that. Find quotes from experts that enlighten or even enrage a reader, make them think or ponder but never make them bored.
This highly respected writer told us that, for him, the acid test for any article if it stimulated something he called "the spousal nudge". That is to say, it had a paragraph or phrase that jumped up off the page and made a husband or wife poke their spouse and say, "honey look at this".
The internet is filled with reworked material and articles that have no real value. All writers should take stock and take note of the valuable insights from someone who's career was build on writing with authority.
What ever you subject have courage, be brave, dig deep and find a way to tell your reader something they don't already know.
Marvin Double is an experienced author who writes about internet marketing, e-commerce blogging and a variety of related and unrelated topics of interest. He brings over 30 years experience as a business entrepreneur off line to the internet marketing community. For additional articles or resources for internet marketers please visit
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Article Writing Secrets - The DNA of a Great Article in Just 4 Powerful Parts
By Jeff Herring
Article writing requires the following four simple yet powerful ingredients for a great article.
1. It's good enough to represent you well on the internet
It doesn't have to be perfect. By that I don't mean sloppy, gross, bad, full of typos and other things.
So I'm not saying be careless. Do your spell check, do your grammar check, but get your article out there. Success that may not be perfect but it's success out there working for you versus an article sitting in your computer that you'll finish 'some day.'
2. Actionable info
It's stuff people can use. Give them at least one gold nugget that they can take and use right away. Don't worry about giving away the store. If your store only has one nugget, you need to grow your store, you need to get deeper into your niche and put some more things into that store.
3. Know, like, and trust factor
This is so important. It's why I'm always stressing writing like you talk, because that is one of the best ways to help people know, like, and trust you. Just write like you talk.
Back when I was a relationship coach and marriage and family therapist, one of the best compliments I ever received from anybody - and I just grinned when someone would tell me this - they'd say, "Jeff, you don't talk like a therapist."
My first thought was, "Oh, thank goodness!" I used to joke it off, but then I realized that's important to that person. Because I talk like a regular person, or I did when I was working with people in their heads and hearts, they felt like they could talk with me. They felt comfortable because I'm just about as regular of a person as you can get.
So write like you talk. When you're writing, think about talking to people in your niche - certain people, one person - this is how you get people to know, like, and trust you.
Also you help people to know, like and trust you when you give them something they can do and take action on, when you help them solve a problem.
4. Give me more now
That's when you leave them in the article wanting more of your information and wanting it from you. Write those two lines down, that's very important and critical to what we're talking about here. They want more information and they want it from you.
That's golden, folks. That's how you set yourself apart in your niche and become the go-to person, by writing lots and lots of articles that are good enough to represent you well, that have actionable information, things people can go and use right away, that help people to know, like, and trust you, and leave people wanting more now.
And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at
From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network
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Article writing requires the following four simple yet powerful ingredients for a great article.
1. It's good enough to represent you well on the internet
It doesn't have to be perfect. By that I don't mean sloppy, gross, bad, full of typos and other things.
So I'm not saying be careless. Do your spell check, do your grammar check, but get your article out there. Success that may not be perfect but it's success out there working for you versus an article sitting in your computer that you'll finish 'some day.'
2. Actionable info
It's stuff people can use. Give them at least one gold nugget that they can take and use right away. Don't worry about giving away the store. If your store only has one nugget, you need to grow your store, you need to get deeper into your niche and put some more things into that store.
3. Know, like, and trust factor
This is so important. It's why I'm always stressing writing like you talk, because that is one of the best ways to help people know, like, and trust you. Just write like you talk.
Back when I was a relationship coach and marriage and family therapist, one of the best compliments I ever received from anybody - and I just grinned when someone would tell me this - they'd say, "Jeff, you don't talk like a therapist."
My first thought was, "Oh, thank goodness!" I used to joke it off, but then I realized that's important to that person. Because I talk like a regular person, or I did when I was working with people in their heads and hearts, they felt like they could talk with me. They felt comfortable because I'm just about as regular of a person as you can get.
So write like you talk. When you're writing, think about talking to people in your niche - certain people, one person - this is how you get people to know, like, and trust you.
Also you help people to know, like and trust you when you give them something they can do and take action on, when you help them solve a problem.
4. Give me more now
That's when you leave them in the article wanting more of your information and wanting it from you. Write those two lines down, that's very important and critical to what we're talking about here. They want more information and they want it from you.
That's golden, folks. That's how you set yourself apart in your niche and become the go-to person, by writing lots and lots of articles that are good enough to represent you well, that have actionable information, things people can go and use right away, that help people to know, like, and trust you, and leave people wanting more now.
And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at
From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network
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Article Writing Secrets - A Simple & Powerful 4 Part Formula for Writing Your Next Article Today
By Jeff Herring
I've noticed a curious pattern among brand new and even experienced article article writers. Newbies get the first one done and then don't quickly move on to the second article. Experienced article writers finish one article and do not move on to the next.
Would you like a simple yet powerful four part formula for writing your next article today? Read on so you can write your next article today.
Step 1 - Identify a problem area in your niche that you can break down into 3 stages. For example, one really simple way to name the stages could be Mild, Moderate and Severe.
Step 2 - List and name the stages of the problem in your niche.
Mild Problem
Moderate Problem
Severe Problem
Step 3 - Then for each stage list the signs and symptoms of each stage. In the mild stage write about the early warning signs and how the reader can notice them in the beginning. In the moderate stage explain how the problem progresses into more signs and symptoms. In the severe stage demonstrate how bad things can get.
Step 4 - So now you have the problem broken down into three stages with the signs and symptoms of each stage. Now you want to list the solutions for each stage. What can the reader do to still be preventative in the mild stage? What can the reader do in the moderate stage to fix a problem before it gets even worse? And finally, what can be done to pull the situation back from disaster once the problem has reached the severe stage?
And you can also visit for more free tips and tools for using this four step approach.
From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network
Article Source:
I've noticed a curious pattern among brand new and even experienced article article writers. Newbies get the first one done and then don't quickly move on to the second article. Experienced article writers finish one article and do not move on to the next.
Would you like a simple yet powerful four part formula for writing your next article today? Read on so you can write your next article today.
Step 1 - Identify a problem area in your niche that you can break down into 3 stages. For example, one really simple way to name the stages could be Mild, Moderate and Severe.
Step 2 - List and name the stages of the problem in your niche.
Mild Problem
Moderate Problem
Severe Problem
Step 3 - Then for each stage list the signs and symptoms of each stage. In the mild stage write about the early warning signs and how the reader can notice them in the beginning. In the moderate stage explain how the problem progresses into more signs and symptoms. In the severe stage demonstrate how bad things can get.
Step 4 - So now you have the problem broken down into three stages with the signs and symptoms of each stage. Now you want to list the solutions for each stage. What can the reader do to still be preventative in the mild stage? What can the reader do in the moderate stage to fix a problem before it gets even worse? And finally, what can be done to pull the situation back from disaster once the problem has reached the severe stage?
And you can also visit for more free tips and tools for using this four step approach.
From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network
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The Magic Formula For Writing Lots Of Articles And Exploding Your Traffic
By Mark A. Abrahams
Article writing is one of the best ways that you can start your business. When you first start out it will be very likely that you do not have much of a budget.
Advertising like ezines and ppc can be very expensive. They do work as they will find you targeted buyers. In this article I am going to run through some ideas that will help you to write lots of quality articles.
The biggest problem with article writing is actually just to get going. Most people never get going. Once you start writing it will become easier to write more.
The next biggest problem is that many people run out of ideas. If you are writing 10 to 20 articles every day it will become very difficult to keep on finding new stuff. I suggest that you keep track electronically of all your ideas. When you think of something make a note of it. Later on when you are writing you will easily choose an idea that you have already and save a lot of time.
Use templates as a basic format. So for example if you only have 10 templates you can use this format to write many articles around these. Basically, all you need to do is fill in the blanks.
Finally, when you are doing this consistently you will keep on experiencing writer's block. Some days you will not feel like doing anything. The easiest way to overcome this is by taking a break and then coming back refreshed. Or sometimes just change your state for example if you have the stereo on switch it off and work in quiet.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
Article Source:
Article writing is one of the best ways that you can start your business. When you first start out it will be very likely that you do not have much of a budget.
Advertising like ezines and ppc can be very expensive. They do work as they will find you targeted buyers. In this article I am going to run through some ideas that will help you to write lots of quality articles.
The biggest problem with article writing is actually just to get going. Most people never get going. Once you start writing it will become easier to write more.
The next biggest problem is that many people run out of ideas. If you are writing 10 to 20 articles every day it will become very difficult to keep on finding new stuff. I suggest that you keep track electronically of all your ideas. When you think of something make a note of it. Later on when you are writing you will easily choose an idea that you have already and save a lot of time.
Use templates as a basic format. So for example if you only have 10 templates you can use this format to write many articles around these. Basically, all you need to do is fill in the blanks.
Finally, when you are doing this consistently you will keep on experiencing writer's block. Some days you will not feel like doing anything. The easiest way to overcome this is by taking a break and then coming back refreshed. Or sometimes just change your state for example if you have the stereo on switch it off and work in quiet.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
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Writing Content For Your Website
By Nicole Powell
There are many persons who dream of making an income from their home. The question though, is how and by doing what. Thousands of persons are turning to ghostwriting or copywriting, as a source of income. One can also examine the possibility of building a content site. With a good content site, you can add a pay per click programme and get paid for advertisements placed on you website.
The next move is for you to decide, what you are going to write about. It is always recommended that you choose your content based on something that you are good at. If you are good at it, chances are you enjoy doing it, and quite possibly will do a superb job.
Further you will want to do some research to find out what people are typing in Search Engines. This will better equip you, to choose a viable business, while putting you ahead of you competitors.
As soon as you have an idea of what people are looking for, you can start creating your site. There is the option of getting a professional website designer to create your site. On the other hand if you are going to have many pages, it is best for you to learn the art of web designing and create your own site.
Making a website is easier now than in the early years of Internet. Web designing editing programmes are very popular; Three (3) such are Microsoft Front Page, Xsite Pro, and Site Build It.
As soon as the draft of your site to be is finished, you should start writing your content. If you are going to get traffic to your site, you will have to give people what they are looking for.
Visitors to you site are seeking to learns something. As such it is very important for you to give straightforward and relevant information. If you update your site regularly with quality content, your visitors will always return for more.
Using Google adsense is one way of enhancing your site and make some money. You will first of all apply to Google, have them review your site, get approved, add HTML text codes to your pages, and earn a commission. The ads that are placed on your site will be related to your website theme.
I am sure; you are concerned about getting regular traffic to your site. You will have to set the ground work, and gradually gain recognition from Search engines.
It is crucial for you to keep your content fresh, stay focused and ultimately start making money from your own content website.
Nicole Powell:
For more information on how to fine tune your writing go to
Submitted by: Nicole Powell
Article Source:
There are many persons who dream of making an income from their home. The question though, is how and by doing what. Thousands of persons are turning to ghostwriting or copywriting, as a source of income. One can also examine the possibility of building a content site. With a good content site, you can add a pay per click programme and get paid for advertisements placed on you website.
The next move is for you to decide, what you are going to write about. It is always recommended that you choose your content based on something that you are good at. If you are good at it, chances are you enjoy doing it, and quite possibly will do a superb job.
Further you will want to do some research to find out what people are typing in Search Engines. This will better equip you, to choose a viable business, while putting you ahead of you competitors.
As soon as you have an idea of what people are looking for, you can start creating your site. There is the option of getting a professional website designer to create your site. On the other hand if you are going to have many pages, it is best for you to learn the art of web designing and create your own site.
Making a website is easier now than in the early years of Internet. Web designing editing programmes are very popular; Three (3) such are Microsoft Front Page, Xsite Pro, and Site Build It.
As soon as the draft of your site to be is finished, you should start writing your content. If you are going to get traffic to your site, you will have to give people what they are looking for.
Visitors to you site are seeking to learns something. As such it is very important for you to give straightforward and relevant information. If you update your site regularly with quality content, your visitors will always return for more.
Using Google adsense is one way of enhancing your site and make some money. You will first of all apply to Google, have them review your site, get approved, add HTML text codes to your pages, and earn a commission. The ads that are placed on your site will be related to your website theme.
I am sure; you are concerned about getting regular traffic to your site. You will have to set the ground work, and gradually gain recognition from Search engines.
It is crucial for you to keep your content fresh, stay focused and ultimately start making money from your own content website.
Nicole Powell:
For more information on how to fine tune your writing go to
Submitted by: Nicole Powell
Article Source:
The Basic Article - How to Write It
By Celesta Penney
Are you struggling to write an article for online submission? Not sure where to start or how to start? In this article, I will show you the basic article format and how to write it provided you already know what you are going to write about. Now, to get started, think back to high school when you had to write those essays on historical figures or controversial topics or science theories.
A basic "essay" from school consisted of an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. You will need to develop an outline that shows you where you are going to put everything in your article. Go ahead and scribble on some scratch paper and get your thoughts out. Let's pretend you are going to write an article on the best kind of dogs for a family with kids. You have it narrowed to three types and you have your reasons. Start writing out your body paragraphs first, one at a time. Include whatever information is you feel is important to the point.
After you have each of your points typed out, you can confidently write an introductory paragraph and then a conclusion paragraph. These should be only about four or five sentences each and should look like bookends at the top and bottom of the article. The introduction explains what the article is about and why you are writing it. Start it off with an attention grabber, something to make your readers want to continue reading your article. The conclusion paragraph wraps the whole thing up with a bow. Restate your original topic and points (without being too wordy) and end with a some kind of call to action to get your readers doing something.
And the final step to writing the basic article is to proofread. Just start at the top and read the article out loud. If it doesn't sound right, or doesn't sound like something somebody would say, you will need to make some changes. Also check it for proper punctuation and grammar as some article directories will decline inclusion for such errors. Make sure it flows from paragraph to paragraph and doesn't sound choppy. You should fluent in the language you are writing in. Don't forget you title, this should be easy if you do it last.
So that's it! Sit back and look at your final product, you should be proud of what you accomplished. Your article can now be sent to whomever you choose to help drive traffic to your site and sell your (or someone else's) product. You may have noticed that this article is in the basic format I am writing about, and I have sorted the body points into a step-by-step logical order. After a few articles written in this format, you will find yourself branching out and writing in your own style and format. So get writing!!
Celesta Penney is the owner of an article directory with articles on all topics available for all to use as content. Visit the directory and blog for more information on article writing, article marketing and related topics.
Article Source:
Are you struggling to write an article for online submission? Not sure where to start or how to start? In this article, I will show you the basic article format and how to write it provided you already know what you are going to write about. Now, to get started, think back to high school when you had to write those essays on historical figures or controversial topics or science theories.
A basic "essay" from school consisted of an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. You will need to develop an outline that shows you where you are going to put everything in your article. Go ahead and scribble on some scratch paper and get your thoughts out. Let's pretend you are going to write an article on the best kind of dogs for a family with kids. You have it narrowed to three types and you have your reasons. Start writing out your body paragraphs first, one at a time. Include whatever information is you feel is important to the point.
After you have each of your points typed out, you can confidently write an introductory paragraph and then a conclusion paragraph. These should be only about four or five sentences each and should look like bookends at the top and bottom of the article. The introduction explains what the article is about and why you are writing it. Start it off with an attention grabber, something to make your readers want to continue reading your article. The conclusion paragraph wraps the whole thing up with a bow. Restate your original topic and points (without being too wordy) and end with a some kind of call to action to get your readers doing something.
And the final step to writing the basic article is to proofread. Just start at the top and read the article out loud. If it doesn't sound right, or doesn't sound like something somebody would say, you will need to make some changes. Also check it for proper punctuation and grammar as some article directories will decline inclusion for such errors. Make sure it flows from paragraph to paragraph and doesn't sound choppy. You should fluent in the language you are writing in. Don't forget you title, this should be easy if you do it last.
So that's it! Sit back and look at your final product, you should be proud of what you accomplished. Your article can now be sent to whomever you choose to help drive traffic to your site and sell your (or someone else's) product. You may have noticed that this article is in the basic format I am writing about, and I have sorted the body points into a step-by-step logical order. After a few articles written in this format, you will find yourself branching out and writing in your own style and format. So get writing!!
Celesta Penney is the owner of an article directory with articles on all topics available for all to use as content. Visit the directory and blog for more information on article writing, article marketing and related topics.
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4 Mistakes Made by Non-Fiction Writers
By Shannon Evans
Effectively analyzing a text involves learning to interpret what is implied or suggested just as well as what is explicitly stated. Good writing requires removal of all structural weaknesses. Certain types of weaknesses can ruin a good piece of writing. If the writing is not clear the reader will not stay and continue reading the text. The following errors are very common mistakes made by many authors.
Passive Constructions - Passive sentences are long, over involved and bore the reader. Passive sentences are riddled with linking verbs. Use grammar check to evaluate your work for passive verb roots. Your work should have less than 5% passive voice verb constructions.
Use command verbs to start sentences as well as using other strong verbs and nouns. Active voice sentences use verbs in either present or past tense.
Lofty Language - Use one and two syllable words. Write so a high school student or a Wal Mart shopper can read your work and understand it. Super words impress no one and only fog the meaning of your work. Write like you talk and you will engage your reader. Talk over their heads and you will alienate your audience.
Avoid Adverbs - Circle all the -ly endings of your words and replace them with power words that describe or show emotion. Get rid of the words 'very' and 'really' in your vocabulary. They are empty words.
Eliminate "I" Writing - Avoid using "I" at all cost. Frankly, the reader could care less about your, they want to know what benefits them. Use 'you' words to appeal to your audience. If you are writing about yourself, write in third person.
By removing the weak constructions in your writing, your readers will be able to digest your writing and to identify the benefits of your work. When you increase the value of your writing, it makes it easier for readers to quickly understand why they should read your book and adopt your suggestions and solutions for their problems.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
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Effectively analyzing a text involves learning to interpret what is implied or suggested just as well as what is explicitly stated. Good writing requires removal of all structural weaknesses. Certain types of weaknesses can ruin a good piece of writing. If the writing is not clear the reader will not stay and continue reading the text. The following errors are very common mistakes made by many authors.
Passive Constructions - Passive sentences are long, over involved and bore the reader. Passive sentences are riddled with linking verbs. Use grammar check to evaluate your work for passive verb roots. Your work should have less than 5% passive voice verb constructions.
Use command verbs to start sentences as well as using other strong verbs and nouns. Active voice sentences use verbs in either present or past tense.
Lofty Language - Use one and two syllable words. Write so a high school student or a Wal Mart shopper can read your work and understand it. Super words impress no one and only fog the meaning of your work. Write like you talk and you will engage your reader. Talk over their heads and you will alienate your audience.
Avoid Adverbs - Circle all the -ly endings of your words and replace them with power words that describe or show emotion. Get rid of the words 'very' and 'really' in your vocabulary. They are empty words.
Eliminate "I" Writing - Avoid using "I" at all cost. Frankly, the reader could care less about your, they want to know what benefits them. Use 'you' words to appeal to your audience. If you are writing about yourself, write in third person.
By removing the weak constructions in your writing, your readers will be able to digest your writing and to identify the benefits of your work. When you increase the value of your writing, it makes it easier for readers to quickly understand why they should read your book and adopt your suggestions and solutions for their problems.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
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How to Write A Book - Planning and Formatting The Content
By Shannon Evans
Writing a book requires organization, focus and a solid plan. Creating a plan for your book will make it closer to be reality. If you struggle writing so your work has a cohesive well developed beginning, middle and an end then you need to learn effective outlining techniques.
Compelling writing is what captures a reader's interest and draws them in to read chapter after chapter. Engaging the reader is critical to a book's success. So how will you hook your target audience and keep them interested past the book cover? Through focused highly compelling writing you will create an audience that come back for more.
Where do you start writing? Do you jump right in and begin writing as soon as you develop a thesis? While the thesis is the driving force for the book and is the main focus the title depicts, it is only a part of the book. Consider how the book will be laid out and what each chapter will address? Each chapter should address a component of the title topic. And each chapter should have a title that is keyword rich and expresses a topic that supports the title topic.
For this chapter you need to outline what your format for that chapter will be before you write actual content.
1. Identify the hook you will use related to the chapter title that will engage the reader rapidly? Use a question, quote, or surprising related statistics or facts.
2. Develop a thesis statement.
3. Identify a short story or analogy that will enhance or help the reader relate to the content.
4. Bullet points, lists, and tips
Include any bullet points, lists, checklists, tips, or resources that support the chapter's focus. 5. Summary conclusion
A summary paragraph of the chapter provides a chapter review. Some authors give their readers homework or an assignment to close the chapter.
Format each chapter in a consistent, organized manner and your book will flow naturally. Keep your chapters about the same length and follow the same format. This will keep your readers engaged and they will want to recommend it to others.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
Article Source:
Writing a book requires organization, focus and a solid plan. Creating a plan for your book will make it closer to be reality. If you struggle writing so your work has a cohesive well developed beginning, middle and an end then you need to learn effective outlining techniques.
Compelling writing is what captures a reader's interest and draws them in to read chapter after chapter. Engaging the reader is critical to a book's success. So how will you hook your target audience and keep them interested past the book cover? Through focused highly compelling writing you will create an audience that come back for more.
Where do you start writing? Do you jump right in and begin writing as soon as you develop a thesis? While the thesis is the driving force for the book and is the main focus the title depicts, it is only a part of the book. Consider how the book will be laid out and what each chapter will address? Each chapter should address a component of the title topic. And each chapter should have a title that is keyword rich and expresses a topic that supports the title topic.
For this chapter you need to outline what your format for that chapter will be before you write actual content.
1. Identify the hook you will use related to the chapter title that will engage the reader rapidly? Use a question, quote, or surprising related statistics or facts.
2. Develop a thesis statement.
3. Identify a short story or analogy that will enhance or help the reader relate to the content.
4. Bullet points, lists, and tips
Include any bullet points, lists, checklists, tips, or resources that support the chapter's focus. 5. Summary conclusion
A summary paragraph of the chapter provides a chapter review. Some authors give their readers homework or an assignment to close the chapter.
Format each chapter in a consistent, organized manner and your book will flow naturally. Keep your chapters about the same length and follow the same format. This will keep your readers engaged and they will want to recommend it to others.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
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Brainstorming Your Next Non-Fiction Book
By Shannon Evans
Before ever writing a single word for your next book you need to sit down, sit back, and take a deep breath. Brainstorming is an important part of the book development process.
1. Create a working title.
Provides focus on the topic of your writing. Develop a working subtitle as well. What will grab the reader's attention?
2. Identify book's purpose.
What will the book solve? What will it establish for the reader?
3. Rough out the thesis for the book.
The book's thesis will keep the book focused and help you write compelling focused content.
4. Identify the significance of your book.
What will your book do? Why should it be written?
5. Identify your audience.
Knowing your audience will help you focus your writing and make the content more appropriate to their unique needs. Create a profile of your audience. Who are they? How old are they? How do they spend? What do they read? How do they spend their free time?
6. Identify the benefits readers get from reading your book.
Why should they buy your book? List at least three to five benefits they will derive from our book.
7. Computer filing system.
Create the file system for your book. Create a folder with the same title as your book on your computer with sub-folders for each chapter by title. In each folder put each draft of the chapter, any notes, research materials, downloads, and resources related to that chapter.
Brainstorming is an important part of your book's development. Creating a good road map that is easy to follow makes the creation process run that much smoother. It gives your book direction and focus and makes your content inspiring and easier to write.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
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Before ever writing a single word for your next book you need to sit down, sit back, and take a deep breath. Brainstorming is an important part of the book development process.
1. Create a working title.
Provides focus on the topic of your writing. Develop a working subtitle as well. What will grab the reader's attention?
2. Identify book's purpose.
What will the book solve? What will it establish for the reader?
3. Rough out the thesis for the book.
The book's thesis will keep the book focused and help you write compelling focused content.
4. Identify the significance of your book.
What will your book do? Why should it be written?
5. Identify your audience.
Knowing your audience will help you focus your writing and make the content more appropriate to their unique needs. Create a profile of your audience. Who are they? How old are they? How do they spend? What do they read? How do they spend their free time?
6. Identify the benefits readers get from reading your book.
Why should they buy your book? List at least three to five benefits they will derive from our book.
7. Computer filing system.
Create the file system for your book. Create a folder with the same title as your book on your computer with sub-folders for each chapter by title. In each folder put each draft of the chapter, any notes, research materials, downloads, and resources related to that chapter.
Brainstorming is an important part of your book's development. Creating a good road map that is easy to follow makes the creation process run that much smoother. It gives your book direction and focus and makes your content inspiring and easier to write.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
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Book Design - Focusing Your Dream While Building a Cover
By Shannon Evans
A fun and useful way to focus your book writing dream is to create a "book cover" for your project. A mock book cover is a great way to help you act "as if" your book is already complete and ready for your audience.
Start by creating an inspiring cover. It should have a title that captures the reader's immediate interest and hooks them into opening the book and reading the content. Covers sell a book. Choose colors that appeal to your readers. Select blues and dark greens and deep reds as they are appealing for backgrounds. Use outdoor panoramic views for visual images for self-help and motivational topics.
Create the back cover material for your book. List 2-3 features of your book. Then present the benefits your audience will derive from reading your book. People read back covers for about 15-30 seconds. What will make them want to read your book? Give them an outline to follow so they will keep reading.
What testimonials will you get for your book? What famous people will read your book and endorse it? What will they say? Where will that go on your back cover? Write a bio for the back cover of your book. Make it brief and include a head shop for the back cover.
Once you have the back and front ready, print both covers on photo quality paper the same size as your 'to be published' book. Mount the covers on heavy duty tag board cut to the same size. Display proudly at your work station. This will inspire you as you work to fill the pages that go between the covers.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
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A fun and useful way to focus your book writing dream is to create a "book cover" for your project. A mock book cover is a great way to help you act "as if" your book is already complete and ready for your audience.
Start by creating an inspiring cover. It should have a title that captures the reader's immediate interest and hooks them into opening the book and reading the content. Covers sell a book. Choose colors that appeal to your readers. Select blues and dark greens and deep reds as they are appealing for backgrounds. Use outdoor panoramic views for visual images for self-help and motivational topics.
Create the back cover material for your book. List 2-3 features of your book. Then present the benefits your audience will derive from reading your book. People read back covers for about 15-30 seconds. What will make them want to read your book? Give them an outline to follow so they will keep reading.
What testimonials will you get for your book? What famous people will read your book and endorse it? What will they say? Where will that go on your back cover? Write a bio for the back cover of your book. Make it brief and include a head shop for the back cover.
Once you have the back and front ready, print both covers on photo quality paper the same size as your 'to be published' book. Mount the covers on heavy duty tag board cut to the same size. Display proudly at your work station. This will inspire you as you work to fill the pages that go between the covers.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.
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How To Write An Audience Analysis
By Azhar Victor
What Is An Audience Analysis?
An audience analysis is essentially a study of customer needs and wants. These could either be explicit, implicit or both. The key is to gather as much information as possible so that the final product will be well received by the target audience. In terms of its importance, audience analysis ranks highly with technical writers due to the content of their writing. Therefore, it is particularly important for them to know who their audience is especially in terms of their needs and wants. What they know or do not know, their level of understanding, their perspectives and views as well as expectations are useful information to a writer or speaker.
How Can Audience Analysis Be Better Written?
* Understand the meaning and purpose of audience analysis. The analysis is all about appreciating the profile and characteristics of a group of people so that an offering can be customized for them. The analysis would help determine, among others, the most appropriate style, tone, format and amount of information required.
* Appreciate the need for an audience analysis. Why write an audience analysis? What is it for? How will an audience analysis help a speaker or writer? Appreciating the value of the analysis will enable it to better focused on factors such as audience background, the situation and context in which the final product will be delivered. Understanding how the analysis will be used by the writer or speaker to tailor their delivery will great help the manner in which the document is written.
Important Elements Of An Audience Analysis
1. The target audience. Who are they?
2. What would they know or not know in terms of the offering?
3. What are their personal details such as age, gender, occupation, education, location etc.
4. Why would they want or need the information? How or why would it be of interest to them?
5. What would be the situation under which the document will be received? When and where would it be delivered?
6. What would the needs, wants and expectations of the audience in terms of the subject or topic of the document?
7. What other special needs might there be and what is the degree to which the document is to be customized?
8. What would the audience expect to "takeaway" in terms of benefit after reading or hearing the information?
The Important Touches
It is important that the audience analysis is well written. It must be clear, factual and easily understood. Relevant headings would help readability in addition to a suitable layout and good organization of the material. The document must be proofread and edited. Spelling and grammar need to be without error with a good flow to the document for it to be user "friendly".
Knowing what to write is part of the solution. However, to be able to write well, we would have to be good at a number of other elements of writing. One of it is in translating ideas into words. If this is one areas that needs improvement, rest easy. There is now available, an easy to use Writing Software that offers a solution. The software uses a unique technology to provide the first context-related, all-in-one solution for improving writing. Developed by a leading team of software, algorithm, and Natural Language Processing experts, for the first time ever, users can easily enhance their writing skills. This revolutionary writing tool instantly analyzes the complete text and provides context-based recommendations to replace words with synonyms, to add adjectives and adverbs, to check spelling, and to verify proper grammar use.
Visit to learn more.
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What Is An Audience Analysis?
An audience analysis is essentially a study of customer needs and wants. These could either be explicit, implicit or both. The key is to gather as much information as possible so that the final product will be well received by the target audience. In terms of its importance, audience analysis ranks highly with technical writers due to the content of their writing. Therefore, it is particularly important for them to know who their audience is especially in terms of their needs and wants. What they know or do not know, their level of understanding, their perspectives and views as well as expectations are useful information to a writer or speaker.
How Can Audience Analysis Be Better Written?
* Understand the meaning and purpose of audience analysis. The analysis is all about appreciating the profile and characteristics of a group of people so that an offering can be customized for them. The analysis would help determine, among others, the most appropriate style, tone, format and amount of information required.
* Appreciate the need for an audience analysis. Why write an audience analysis? What is it for? How will an audience analysis help a speaker or writer? Appreciating the value of the analysis will enable it to better focused on factors such as audience background, the situation and context in which the final product will be delivered. Understanding how the analysis will be used by the writer or speaker to tailor their delivery will great help the manner in which the document is written.
Important Elements Of An Audience Analysis
1. The target audience. Who are they?
2. What would they know or not know in terms of the offering?
3. What are their personal details such as age, gender, occupation, education, location etc.
4. Why would they want or need the information? How or why would it be of interest to them?
5. What would be the situation under which the document will be received? When and where would it be delivered?
6. What would the needs, wants and expectations of the audience in terms of the subject or topic of the document?
7. What other special needs might there be and what is the degree to which the document is to be customized?
8. What would the audience expect to "takeaway" in terms of benefit after reading or hearing the information?
The Important Touches
It is important that the audience analysis is well written. It must be clear, factual and easily understood. Relevant headings would help readability in addition to a suitable layout and good organization of the material. The document must be proofread and edited. Spelling and grammar need to be without error with a good flow to the document for it to be user "friendly".
Knowing what to write is part of the solution. However, to be able to write well, we would have to be good at a number of other elements of writing. One of it is in translating ideas into words. If this is one areas that needs improvement, rest easy. There is now available, an easy to use Writing Software that offers a solution. The software uses a unique technology to provide the first context-related, all-in-one solution for improving writing. Developed by a leading team of software, algorithm, and Natural Language Processing experts, for the first time ever, users can easily enhance their writing skills. This revolutionary writing tool instantly analyzes the complete text and provides context-based recommendations to replace words with synonyms, to add adjectives and adverbs, to check spelling, and to verify proper grammar use.
Visit to learn more.
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Creative Writing Tells A Story
By Cheryline Lawson
If you are a creative writer, it is possible that you can write poetry and short stories. A creative writer is a story teller and very passionate with deep convictions. This is a very special person who has a vast imagination. Not every writer can be classified as a creative writer. Some writers are better at writing nonfiction, which is pretty much either technical writing or steps on carrying out different tasks. This is their talent and should not be taken for granted either.
Writers in different genre are appreciated for their wit and talent. However, a creative writer can take you to places that you haven't been before. You will feel as if you are right in the story that is being told. Not many people can let a story jump out at the page at you. I admire these creative writers.
I remember when I was in grade school and given some essay assignment to write story, I was so imaginative that I wrote things that no one thought an eight year old should be able to conjure. One day, my teacher called me up to her desk after reading one of my compositions. She asked me if I had written it and I told her that I had. She asked me about five times if I had written the story and could not believe that I did. I guess from that point, someone knew that I had a weird sense of imagination.
I am not sure if she did believe me, but I know she was the one who got me to skip classes as a form of advancement. However, I think she just wanted to get rid of me. What do you think? She did not want to read my weird stories anymore or she was in such awe that she wanted someone else to grade my work to see what the recommendations would be.
Unfortunately, my next teacher was just as surprised as the first teacher, but what she did was to get me involved in writing clubs and a spelling bee competition. With my mother's permission and my teacher's recommendation, I was able to take my creative writing to the next level. I am glad someone noticed me and did not discard my gift for something other than what it is.
When you read your next good book, write the author a letter of appreciation. We should celebrate art like this because it is truly an art to be a creative writer. Poetry is also a way to reach the soul and poets are gifted individuals who bare their souls with the expectation of reaching deep down into yours with words that pierce the spirit and provokes the mind.
There are many unpublished poems lying around homes and in drawers that have never been heard. There are many that are buried in the heart of the deceased who never took the chance to portray their talent. My sister was a poet, but she only wrote poetry for herself. When she died, I found a whole journal filled with poetry that when read would fill your heart with tears and sadness that they were never published and no one got to know how much talent she had. Don't hide your gift. Allow your creative juices to flow and let everyone know through your "words on paper," that you are trying to reach their very soul.
Cheryline Lawson is an avid writer and very passionate about her talent. She is a writer for hire who writes articles, short stories, web content, blogs, forum posts and books. Visit her website to learn more at =>
Article Source:
If you are a creative writer, it is possible that you can write poetry and short stories. A creative writer is a story teller and very passionate with deep convictions. This is a very special person who has a vast imagination. Not every writer can be classified as a creative writer. Some writers are better at writing nonfiction, which is pretty much either technical writing or steps on carrying out different tasks. This is their talent and should not be taken for granted either.
Writers in different genre are appreciated for their wit and talent. However, a creative writer can take you to places that you haven't been before. You will feel as if you are right in the story that is being told. Not many people can let a story jump out at the page at you. I admire these creative writers.
I remember when I was in grade school and given some essay assignment to write story, I was so imaginative that I wrote things that no one thought an eight year old should be able to conjure. One day, my teacher called me up to her desk after reading one of my compositions. She asked me if I had written it and I told her that I had. She asked me about five times if I had written the story and could not believe that I did. I guess from that point, someone knew that I had a weird sense of imagination.
I am not sure if she did believe me, but I know she was the one who got me to skip classes as a form of advancement. However, I think she just wanted to get rid of me. What do you think? She did not want to read my weird stories anymore or she was in such awe that she wanted someone else to grade my work to see what the recommendations would be.
Unfortunately, my next teacher was just as surprised as the first teacher, but what she did was to get me involved in writing clubs and a spelling bee competition. With my mother's permission and my teacher's recommendation, I was able to take my creative writing to the next level. I am glad someone noticed me and did not discard my gift for something other than what it is.
When you read your next good book, write the author a letter of appreciation. We should celebrate art like this because it is truly an art to be a creative writer. Poetry is also a way to reach the soul and poets are gifted individuals who bare their souls with the expectation of reaching deep down into yours with words that pierce the spirit and provokes the mind.
There are many unpublished poems lying around homes and in drawers that have never been heard. There are many that are buried in the heart of the deceased who never took the chance to portray their talent. My sister was a poet, but she only wrote poetry for herself. When she died, I found a whole journal filled with poetry that when read would fill your heart with tears and sadness that they were never published and no one got to know how much talent she had. Don't hide your gift. Allow your creative juices to flow and let everyone know through your "words on paper," that you are trying to reach their very soul.
Cheryline Lawson is an avid writer and very passionate about her talent. She is a writer for hire who writes articles, short stories, web content, blogs, forum posts and books. Visit her website to learn more at =>
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Amor De'Pena
By Ellezenn Phang
Chapter 1
(Feb 22, 2007 Seoul Chungang Hospital)
"Didn't you promise me that you'll never leave me? But why? Why did you go back on your words?" Tears started rolling down on his cheeks like an opened tap.
Dan lay on the bed in the hospital ward, motionless. Only thoughts in him are running and the tears that are rolling. Just then, his mom came in with his friends along.
"Dan, how are you feeling today?" his mom asked while placing the fruit basket beside the bed on the desk. "Your friends are here to visit you."
He laid there still. Eyes opened filling with tears, not a word spoken but only thoughts running through his brains. He then starts to mesmerize himself within his own thoughts, escaping from the reality. *****
(June 1989)
"Yes, good boy. That's right. Now try to play the whole piece alright?" Said his mother.
Scher, Dan was the only child his parents had. He had what everyone dreams of. Big mansion, luxurious life and able to have anything he wanted. A boy that was born in this famous family of musicians that world recognizes from generations to generations. Despite all these, he was never a greedy boy.
At the age of four, he could play several classic pieces and by reaching five, he took part in his parents' musical concert held in Europe and caught many of other world famous musicians' attention.
"Dan, you're making us proud. Daddy and Mommy are very happy to see such success you've made at your age. I'm sure one day, you'll become the world most famous musician that ever exist on Earth." His father told Dan while carrying him in his arms alongside with his mother beside his dad. "And I'm sure that day will come very soon."
Through these years, Dan spent his days either in school studying or at home having music lessons taught by his parents. But he never complains about his routines in life. Music has been his passion since the day he was brought to this world or even before that, when his mother always plays music to little Dan while he was still in her stomach.
Academically or musically, he never fails one. A rare talent that happens once in a million. A perfect boy that was created.
After graduating from academic school at twelve, he was then arranged to take solely on music courses. From Piano to Violin and to Conductor. He achieved graduation for all at the age of eighteen.
Despite looks or talents, it was every girl's dream. But Dan never had any relationships before. But that didn't last long till one day; he met this girl, Nicole. It was at his eighteenth birthday party that his friends helped to organize. Nicole was Dan's good friend's sister but yet, he didn't know that his friend had a sister. But however, it was love at first sight for Dan but definitely not for Nicole.
To Nicole, she felt that he was just another flirtatious boy just like other friends of her brother. She never really wanted to attend the party but it was her brother who dragged her along till left her no choice.
(April 25, 2004 Dan's Private Yacht)
"Hi. I haven't seen you before." Dan shouted as he walked towards her through the crowd on the deck of the yacht with loud music banging through the speakers.
"Neither did I." she shouted back coldly.
"Oh..." feeling a little reluctant by her answer, but he continues introducing himself. "I'm Dan" he shouted so as she could hear as he lifts up his hand, waiting for her to shake it.
"Dan? Oh. The birthday boy." She answered as she shakes hand with him. "Nice to meet you..."
"Yea, nice to meet you too. And what's your name?"
"I'm Nicole." She answered. "I think your friends are looking for you." She continued as she lifts her head pointing towards the direction where there are some girls looking at Dan continuously. "Um... You can let go now. Excuse me?"
"Uh? Oh yea. I'm sorry." Dan replied and turned back his focus on Nicole.
"It's ok. I guess I'll make a move first. It's too noisy here. Bye."
"Wa... Wait...!" Dan tried to stop her but he thought it wasn't appropriate so he didn't. "By... Bye..."
"Hey buddy! Why are you here alone? Come on! Let's go inside. Tame is there and I've got people to introduce." Said Zac, one of his good friends that helped organized this party. "This is Amy, Jane, Kate and this... um this... yea! Tessa. Right?"
"Hi Dan!" All four girls spoke at the same time.
"Hi, ladies. Please excuse us a moment." Dan said awkwardly as he pulled Zac and Tame aside.
"Hey! What's all that? Are you guys up to something again?"
"Relax buddy. We're just introducing friends to you." Tame said.
"I know what you guys are up to. Stop all your nonsense before I throw you both out of the yacht in the middle of the sea."
"Hey, I know you wouldn't do that to us. Come on, just relax and have some fun!" Zac replied as he swings his arm over and lands on Dan.
"Yea. It's only hanging out..." Tame added.
Dan didn't say anything but staring at the both of them sternly.
"Hey come on bro, you have such attractiveness and girls throw themselves to you are natural! I still can't believe you don't even have a girlfriend. Not even used to have... Hey, are you...?" Zac said as he looked at Dan with strange eyes.
"What? Of course I'm straight! You bastards!" Dan replied as he strangles Zac and Tame with his arms around their necks over their shoulders.
"Alright! You aren't!" Both of them struggled from Dan's grip as each of them coughs a little. "But bro, you can't let those four ladies wait for you for nothing. At least entertain a little. Otherwise, they would feel embarrassed." Tame said.
The three of them chatted with the girls while listening to the music. Just then, they heard loud crashes from the deck outside and everybody on the yacht went silent.
"You b**ch! How dare you slap me?" Voice of a guy came from the place where the crashes occurred.
Just when Nicole was already waiting for the hand to land on her face hard, she heard a loud crash in front of her.
"Hey, don't you dare hit a girl!" Dan warned as he grabs the man's hand and swung it away from Nicole and the man fell down.
"You son of a b**ch! Who the hell are you?" the guy shouted as he stood up and springs forward and landed on the ground with Dan.
Both fought harshly on the ground with everybody surrounding them like a ring and cheering. But only Nicole was standing stiff in front of the two guys fighting because of her.
"Didn't your mother teach you never to hit a girl?!" Dan shouted as he landed heavy punches on the guy's face. "And who are you to create a scene on my yacht?"
"Stop! Stop it." Nicole shouted as she rushed forward and grabs Dan's arm. But Dan didn't know and he was too fast and he accidentally knocked Nicole off the ground.
"Don't you ever dare hit a girl!" Dan warned as he got up and realizes Nicole was on the floor with blood dripping from her nose. "Oh my god. You're bleeding! That fella hit you just now? What the, he just deserves another few punches." Dan walked back towards the man but Nicole stopped him.
"No. it's you." Nicole shouted
"Uh?" Dan answered in confusion. "Oh, I did? ... I'm so sorry!" Dan said feeling embarrassed.
"You hit me while I tried to stop you just now" Nicole replied as she pinched her nose preventing from the blood to drip. "But it's alright; I know you're not on purpose."
"I'm really sorry." Dan repeated several times as he took out a handkerchief and passed it to Nicole. "Please give me a minute."
Dan turned around and saw the guy standing with hands pressing against his wounds on his head with a scared look.
"Aren't you going to apologize to this lady?" Dan questioned fiercely.
"Ye... yes. I'm sorry, Miss."
"Are you satisfied with his apology?" Dan asked Nicole and she nods her head slightly.
"Ok, just carry on with the party, people. But as for you, gentlemen, you better stay off trouble on my yacht." Dan warned as he walked towards Nicole and gave her a hand to stand up.
"Buddy, I'm really sorry." Zac said while he ran up to him.
"You know this guy? Where did you find such violent friend and I didn't knew?"
"He actually isn't my friend, but my friend's friend. You get me?"
"You sure have LOTS of friends..." Dan said sarcastically.
"Yea, I sure do. But dude, I can ask them to leave right now... if you want me to."
"It's alright, Zac. If you ask them to leave, will there be anymore party left? Leave party animals like you and Tame alone with no party, wouldn't it be too cruel of me to do that? But right now, excuse me awhile? I need to bring her in to stop the bleeding. And help me keep an eye on these people..." Dan said as he helped Nicole in to the room. "Don't give me troubles anymore for tonight. You know I hate these stuffs, please. Thanks." He continued with a smile before entering the room.
Article Source:
Chapter 1
(Feb 22, 2007 Seoul Chungang Hospital)
"Didn't you promise me that you'll never leave me? But why? Why did you go back on your words?" Tears started rolling down on his cheeks like an opened tap.
Dan lay on the bed in the hospital ward, motionless. Only thoughts in him are running and the tears that are rolling. Just then, his mom came in with his friends along.
"Dan, how are you feeling today?" his mom asked while placing the fruit basket beside the bed on the desk. "Your friends are here to visit you."
He laid there still. Eyes opened filling with tears, not a word spoken but only thoughts running through his brains. He then starts to mesmerize himself within his own thoughts, escaping from the reality. *****
(June 1989)
"Yes, good boy. That's right. Now try to play the whole piece alright?" Said his mother.
Scher, Dan was the only child his parents had. He had what everyone dreams of. Big mansion, luxurious life and able to have anything he wanted. A boy that was born in this famous family of musicians that world recognizes from generations to generations. Despite all these, he was never a greedy boy.
At the age of four, he could play several classic pieces and by reaching five, he took part in his parents' musical concert held in Europe and caught many of other world famous musicians' attention.
"Dan, you're making us proud. Daddy and Mommy are very happy to see such success you've made at your age. I'm sure one day, you'll become the world most famous musician that ever exist on Earth." His father told Dan while carrying him in his arms alongside with his mother beside his dad. "And I'm sure that day will come very soon."
Through these years, Dan spent his days either in school studying or at home having music lessons taught by his parents. But he never complains about his routines in life. Music has been his passion since the day he was brought to this world or even before that, when his mother always plays music to little Dan while he was still in her stomach.
Academically or musically, he never fails one. A rare talent that happens once in a million. A perfect boy that was created.
After graduating from academic school at twelve, he was then arranged to take solely on music courses. From Piano to Violin and to Conductor. He achieved graduation for all at the age of eighteen.
Despite looks or talents, it was every girl's dream. But Dan never had any relationships before. But that didn't last long till one day; he met this girl, Nicole. It was at his eighteenth birthday party that his friends helped to organize. Nicole was Dan's good friend's sister but yet, he didn't know that his friend had a sister. But however, it was love at first sight for Dan but definitely not for Nicole.
To Nicole, she felt that he was just another flirtatious boy just like other friends of her brother. She never really wanted to attend the party but it was her brother who dragged her along till left her no choice.
(April 25, 2004 Dan's Private Yacht)
"Hi. I haven't seen you before." Dan shouted as he walked towards her through the crowd on the deck of the yacht with loud music banging through the speakers.
"Neither did I." she shouted back coldly.
"Oh..." feeling a little reluctant by her answer, but he continues introducing himself. "I'm Dan" he shouted so as she could hear as he lifts up his hand, waiting for her to shake it.
"Dan? Oh. The birthday boy." She answered as she shakes hand with him. "Nice to meet you..."
"Yea, nice to meet you too. And what's your name?"
"I'm Nicole." She answered. "I think your friends are looking for you." She continued as she lifts her head pointing towards the direction where there are some girls looking at Dan continuously. "Um... You can let go now. Excuse me?"
"Uh? Oh yea. I'm sorry." Dan replied and turned back his focus on Nicole.
"It's ok. I guess I'll make a move first. It's too noisy here. Bye."
"Wa... Wait...!" Dan tried to stop her but he thought it wasn't appropriate so he didn't. "By... Bye..."
"Hey buddy! Why are you here alone? Come on! Let's go inside. Tame is there and I've got people to introduce." Said Zac, one of his good friends that helped organized this party. "This is Amy, Jane, Kate and this... um this... yea! Tessa. Right?"
"Hi Dan!" All four girls spoke at the same time.
"Hi, ladies. Please excuse us a moment." Dan said awkwardly as he pulled Zac and Tame aside.
"Hey! What's all that? Are you guys up to something again?"
"Relax buddy. We're just introducing friends to you." Tame said.
"I know what you guys are up to. Stop all your nonsense before I throw you both out of the yacht in the middle of the sea."
"Hey, I know you wouldn't do that to us. Come on, just relax and have some fun!" Zac replied as he swings his arm over and lands on Dan.
"Yea. It's only hanging out..." Tame added.
Dan didn't say anything but staring at the both of them sternly.
"Hey come on bro, you have such attractiveness and girls throw themselves to you are natural! I still can't believe you don't even have a girlfriend. Not even used to have... Hey, are you...?" Zac said as he looked at Dan with strange eyes.
"What? Of course I'm straight! You bastards!" Dan replied as he strangles Zac and Tame with his arms around their necks over their shoulders.
"Alright! You aren't!" Both of them struggled from Dan's grip as each of them coughs a little. "But bro, you can't let those four ladies wait for you for nothing. At least entertain a little. Otherwise, they would feel embarrassed." Tame said.
The three of them chatted with the girls while listening to the music. Just then, they heard loud crashes from the deck outside and everybody on the yacht went silent.
"You b**ch! How dare you slap me?" Voice of a guy came from the place where the crashes occurred.
Just when Nicole was already waiting for the hand to land on her face hard, she heard a loud crash in front of her.
"Hey, don't you dare hit a girl!" Dan warned as he grabs the man's hand and swung it away from Nicole and the man fell down.
"You son of a b**ch! Who the hell are you?" the guy shouted as he stood up and springs forward and landed on the ground with Dan.
Both fought harshly on the ground with everybody surrounding them like a ring and cheering. But only Nicole was standing stiff in front of the two guys fighting because of her.
"Didn't your mother teach you never to hit a girl?!" Dan shouted as he landed heavy punches on the guy's face. "And who are you to create a scene on my yacht?"
"Stop! Stop it." Nicole shouted as she rushed forward and grabs Dan's arm. But Dan didn't know and he was too fast and he accidentally knocked Nicole off the ground.
"Don't you ever dare hit a girl!" Dan warned as he got up and realizes Nicole was on the floor with blood dripping from her nose. "Oh my god. You're bleeding! That fella hit you just now? What the, he just deserves another few punches." Dan walked back towards the man but Nicole stopped him.
"No. it's you." Nicole shouted
"Uh?" Dan answered in confusion. "Oh, I did? ... I'm so sorry!" Dan said feeling embarrassed.
"You hit me while I tried to stop you just now" Nicole replied as she pinched her nose preventing from the blood to drip. "But it's alright; I know you're not on purpose."
"I'm really sorry." Dan repeated several times as he took out a handkerchief and passed it to Nicole. "Please give me a minute."
Dan turned around and saw the guy standing with hands pressing against his wounds on his head with a scared look.
"Aren't you going to apologize to this lady?" Dan questioned fiercely.
"Ye... yes. I'm sorry, Miss."
"Are you satisfied with his apology?" Dan asked Nicole and she nods her head slightly.
"Ok, just carry on with the party, people. But as for you, gentlemen, you better stay off trouble on my yacht." Dan warned as he walked towards Nicole and gave her a hand to stand up.
"Buddy, I'm really sorry." Zac said while he ran up to him.
"You know this guy? Where did you find such violent friend and I didn't knew?"
"He actually isn't my friend, but my friend's friend. You get me?"
"You sure have LOTS of friends..." Dan said sarcastically.
"Yea, I sure do. But dude, I can ask them to leave right now... if you want me to."
"It's alright, Zac. If you ask them to leave, will there be anymore party left? Leave party animals like you and Tame alone with no party, wouldn't it be too cruel of me to do that? But right now, excuse me awhile? I need to bring her in to stop the bleeding. And help me keep an eye on these people..." Dan said as he helped Nicole in to the room. "Don't give me troubles anymore for tonight. You know I hate these stuffs, please. Thanks." He continued with a smile before entering the room.
Article Source:
Freelance Writing For Fun Or Profit?
By Cheryl Pickett
Become a freelance writer. Make money writing. Get published in magazines! If you've looked into freelance writing at all, there's almost a hundred percent probability you've seen these kinds of ads. You may have even clicked on a few.
Are they realistic? Can you make money or any kind of living as a freelance writer, or should you look at it as a hobby? The answer is yes, maybe, it depends.
Now you're probably thinking that doesn't really help a whole lot, but an answer to this question truly does depend on tons of variables. It depends on your work habits, your goals for this week, and your long-term goals. You'll also need to take a look at the topics you'd like to write about and how much you want to invest in honing your writing skills.
Why? Because if you don't know why you're writing, or what outcome you're trying to achieve, you don't know what steps to follow. It makes it harder to decide what markets to approach. It also makes it difficult to know what skills you'll need to learn or improve.
But no matter what factors you take into account, you do need to arrive at an answer before you dive in. For example, if you decide you want or need to make a solid income, verses writing for enjoyment and a couple of extra bucks, you can better map out a plan of attack. It then follows that when you follow the map, you have a better chance of achieving your goals.
There are several possibilities for getting started as freelance writer, or to expand what you're doing already. I invite you to find out more at where you can sign up for a free newsletter, or feel free to stop by the blog at
You can also check out my latest e-book Magazines & More at the website.
By Cheryl Pickett- veteran freelance writer & founder of
Article Source:
Become a freelance writer. Make money writing. Get published in magazines! If you've looked into freelance writing at all, there's almost a hundred percent probability you've seen these kinds of ads. You may have even clicked on a few.
Are they realistic? Can you make money or any kind of living as a freelance writer, or should you look at it as a hobby? The answer is yes, maybe, it depends.
Now you're probably thinking that doesn't really help a whole lot, but an answer to this question truly does depend on tons of variables. It depends on your work habits, your goals for this week, and your long-term goals. You'll also need to take a look at the topics you'd like to write about and how much you want to invest in honing your writing skills.
Why? Because if you don't know why you're writing, or what outcome you're trying to achieve, you don't know what steps to follow. It makes it harder to decide what markets to approach. It also makes it difficult to know what skills you'll need to learn or improve.
But no matter what factors you take into account, you do need to arrive at an answer before you dive in. For example, if you decide you want or need to make a solid income, verses writing for enjoyment and a couple of extra bucks, you can better map out a plan of attack. It then follows that when you follow the map, you have a better chance of achieving your goals.
There are several possibilities for getting started as freelance writer, or to expand what you're doing already. I invite you to find out more at where you can sign up for a free newsletter, or feel free to stop by the blog at
You can also check out my latest e-book Magazines & More at the website.
By Cheryl Pickett- veteran freelance writer & founder of
Article Source:
To Write For The Web
By Aritra Basu
To write for the web a few key things are essential. The article should bear the necessary information in the opening paragraph itself. An article with headings, subheadings, highlighting and systematic structuring of key points by way of bullets, etc is always appreciated. The article should not be a display of writing skills alone. It should be focused on the product.
The objective of the article being advertisement primarily, a convenient technique to hold the attention of busy viewers online would be to make the first paragraph a gist of the article. This helps them out or might lead to the inception of interest which can be later redeemed by the remaining article.
A proper structuring of the article works both ways in helping out the writer and holding the readers' attention. Headings preceding every section along with topic sentences help out the writer to carefully distribute the content over the article. Keywords can be highlighted along with using techniques like bullets to ensure definite portrayal of concepts.
An important thing to note here is that online readers are impatient customers who merely brush through the content of the articles. Also specific articles are appreciated by such readers. These are key points to remember while writing for the web.
Here are a few guidelines for the writer for the web.
1. Content should bear enough relevance.
You definitely cannot beat around the bush. The article should be ruthlessly true to the product advertised. Personal information hardly draws consumer attention. Develop the particular bite in your article to garner attention.
2. The point of greatest significance should be placed at the head of the article.
Considering the clientèle to be naturally impatient, provision of the most important of information should be at the top of the article. The first line/paragraph should carry enough explanation.
3. Write in small units.
Do not tire viewers with tedious reading. Long paragraphs or sentences are a definite no. Ideally a paragraph should be limited to 5 sentences. Have concern for the readers' eyes.
4. Numbering along with bullets and dashes are significant.
The reader should not be discouraged by expanse of the subject of the article. Breaking up the article into short points always helps. This is the age of fast information
5. Sub-headings are useful.
Keeps the reader glued to the article and introduces subtler points.
6. The font has to be more than readable.
Use of fancy fonts or italics should be made with discretion. Simplicity always pays if you are writing for the web. So use easy to read fonts.
7. Review the article carefully.
A misspelled word is definitely going to perturb the viewer. Try to go as close to perfection as possible in this regard.
These tips should make your job a lot simpler. All the best!
Aritra Basu from is a PUBLIC RELATIONS PRACTITIONER and a CONTENT CONSULTANT.Currently she is involved in releasing her product .Also, she is offering a gift to all the online business owners. If you would like to accept her gift, visit
To know more about her or to get help with your writing projects, please visit today!
Article Source:
To write for the web a few key things are essential. The article should bear the necessary information in the opening paragraph itself. An article with headings, subheadings, highlighting and systematic structuring of key points by way of bullets, etc is always appreciated. The article should not be a display of writing skills alone. It should be focused on the product.
The objective of the article being advertisement primarily, a convenient technique to hold the attention of busy viewers online would be to make the first paragraph a gist of the article. This helps them out or might lead to the inception of interest which can be later redeemed by the remaining article.
A proper structuring of the article works both ways in helping out the writer and holding the readers' attention. Headings preceding every section along with topic sentences help out the writer to carefully distribute the content over the article. Keywords can be highlighted along with using techniques like bullets to ensure definite portrayal of concepts.
An important thing to note here is that online readers are impatient customers who merely brush through the content of the articles. Also specific articles are appreciated by such readers. These are key points to remember while writing for the web.
Here are a few guidelines for the writer for the web.
1. Content should bear enough relevance.
You definitely cannot beat around the bush. The article should be ruthlessly true to the product advertised. Personal information hardly draws consumer attention. Develop the particular bite in your article to garner attention.
2. The point of greatest significance should be placed at the head of the article.
Considering the clientèle to be naturally impatient, provision of the most important of information should be at the top of the article. The first line/paragraph should carry enough explanation.
3. Write in small units.
Do not tire viewers with tedious reading. Long paragraphs or sentences are a definite no. Ideally a paragraph should be limited to 5 sentences. Have concern for the readers' eyes.
4. Numbering along with bullets and dashes are significant.
The reader should not be discouraged by expanse of the subject of the article. Breaking up the article into short points always helps. This is the age of fast information
5. Sub-headings are useful.
Keeps the reader glued to the article and introduces subtler points.
6. The font has to be more than readable.
Use of fancy fonts or italics should be made with discretion. Simplicity always pays if you are writing for the web. So use easy to read fonts.
7. Review the article carefully.
A misspelled word is definitely going to perturb the viewer. Try to go as close to perfection as possible in this regard.
These tips should make your job a lot simpler. All the best!
Aritra Basu from is a PUBLIC RELATIONS PRACTITIONER and a CONTENT CONSULTANT.Currently she is involved in releasing her product .Also, she is offering a gift to all the online business owners. If you would like to accept her gift, visit
To know more about her or to get help with your writing projects, please visit today!
Article Source:
How To Write An Affidavit
By Azhar Victor
Stating The Facts
An affidavit is a document in which the facts of a particular subject are recorded. As the document may be used in legal proceedings, it needs to be legally certified. This can be done by having the document signed by a Commissioner of Oaths, a lawyer or Justice of the Peace. You can have the document written privately but it has to be signed in the presence of a qualified witness. A qualified witness can be any one of the persons mentioned earlier. Before you sign the document you have to swear or declare that what you have written or recorded in a form is the truth. This, however, can and may be challenged as your affidavit is only your version of the facts.
Important Notes
* If the affidavit is a lengthy document on a complex subject or situation it is best to have it prepared by a lawyer or a trained legal professional. If it is a simple document, it can be written by the person making the declaration. It could be something as simple as stating that I,so-and-so, declare the following to be true.
* It is better to number or have a heading for each fact and separate the details by paragraph. In the old days though, the document was written in one long unbroken flow.
* In many places, the courts provide appropriate forms to be used as an affidavit. This makes it simple as the person concerned will be guided by the headings and layout in the form for easy completion.
* There are two ways in which the person making the affidavit can declare the facts as being true. One is to have it sworn; the other is it to have it affirmed. To have it sworn, the person has to swear on a religious or holy book that they have stated the truth. The alternative is to make an affirmation that you have stated the truth and put your signature to it.
* The witness, who can either be a Commissioner of Oaths, Justice of the Peace or lawyer, will have to sign their name and provide the relevant details of their position.
Writing The Affidavit
Check with the courts and obtain the relevant form. List the facts. If you are unsure of how to fill out the form, consult someone who knows how to do it. Remember that an affidavit is a legal document. You do not want it thrown out due to a technical error. Ensure that you only provide information that you know is true. You have to stand by what you have stated and be prepared to have it thoroughly examined and challenged.
Do you need to write better? Whether it is General Writing or Legal Writing, you can now use a software which has a quick and accurate grammar and spell checker as well as text enrichment database to help improve your writing style. These core features are supported by a one-click English dictionary and thesaurus, and a whole range of document templates - you will find it all in the General Writing Version. The Legal Writing Version provides legal offices and professionals with precise editing and proofreading for affidavits, contracts, and other legal documentation. The Legal Writing Version has a specialized text enrichment database for legal writing which accents your individual writing style with field-specific language. It also has a range of document templates created specifically for legal writing.
For your general and legal writing solution click here
Article Source:
Stating The Facts
An affidavit is a document in which the facts of a particular subject are recorded. As the document may be used in legal proceedings, it needs to be legally certified. This can be done by having the document signed by a Commissioner of Oaths, a lawyer or Justice of the Peace. You can have the document written privately but it has to be signed in the presence of a qualified witness. A qualified witness can be any one of the persons mentioned earlier. Before you sign the document you have to swear or declare that what you have written or recorded in a form is the truth. This, however, can and may be challenged as your affidavit is only your version of the facts.
Important Notes
* If the affidavit is a lengthy document on a complex subject or situation it is best to have it prepared by a lawyer or a trained legal professional. If it is a simple document, it can be written by the person making the declaration. It could be something as simple as stating that I,so-and-so, declare the following to be true.
* It is better to number or have a heading for each fact and separate the details by paragraph. In the old days though, the document was written in one long unbroken flow.
* In many places, the courts provide appropriate forms to be used as an affidavit. This makes it simple as the person concerned will be guided by the headings and layout in the form for easy completion.
* There are two ways in which the person making the affidavit can declare the facts as being true. One is to have it sworn; the other is it to have it affirmed. To have it sworn, the person has to swear on a religious or holy book that they have stated the truth. The alternative is to make an affirmation that you have stated the truth and put your signature to it.
* The witness, who can either be a Commissioner of Oaths, Justice of the Peace or lawyer, will have to sign their name and provide the relevant details of their position.
Writing The Affidavit
Check with the courts and obtain the relevant form. List the facts. If you are unsure of how to fill out the form, consult someone who knows how to do it. Remember that an affidavit is a legal document. You do not want it thrown out due to a technical error. Ensure that you only provide information that you know is true. You have to stand by what you have stated and be prepared to have it thoroughly examined and challenged.
Do you need to write better? Whether it is General Writing or Legal Writing, you can now use a software which has a quick and accurate grammar and spell checker as well as text enrichment database to help improve your writing style. These core features are supported by a one-click English dictionary and thesaurus, and a whole range of document templates - you will find it all in the General Writing Version. The Legal Writing Version provides legal offices and professionals with precise editing and proofreading for affidavits, contracts, and other legal documentation. The Legal Writing Version has a specialized text enrichment database for legal writing which accents your individual writing style with field-specific language. It also has a range of document templates created specifically for legal writing.
For your general and legal writing solution click here
Article Source:
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Beginner's Guide To Writing Articles And Exploding Your Traffic
By Mark A. Abrahams
Article writing is one of the simplest ways that you can get traffic to your website. Especially, if you are a newbie and are getting overwhelmed by all the different traffic methods that you can use I seriously suggest that you stick to one like article writing as it produces the highest kind of lead that you can get.
In this article I would like to go over the basics so that you can get started writing articles and generating traffic and money from your website. Once you have decided on the niche market that you would like to tackle it is very important that you focus on writing on solving problems for this. The most important part of your article is that you must create a killer title. If it does not grab the attention of the reader then they are unlikely to read it. Also include some keywords so that it will be found by the search engines.
Write the introduction and conclusion first as these are the easiest. Brainstorm ideas and encapsulate each one in the form of a bullet point. Later expand on this and write a paragraph based on each bullet point. Proof read your article checking for grammar and spelling mistakes. Submit your articles to the major article directories and include a link to your website in the resource box.
Finally, make sure that you write in a conversational style like you are talking to your reader. Also make sure that you are helping your reader. if you do this they are more likely to subscribe to your newsletter and become a customer.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
Article Source:
Article writing is one of the simplest ways that you can get traffic to your website. Especially, if you are a newbie and are getting overwhelmed by all the different traffic methods that you can use I seriously suggest that you stick to one like article writing as it produces the highest kind of lead that you can get.
In this article I would like to go over the basics so that you can get started writing articles and generating traffic and money from your website. Once you have decided on the niche market that you would like to tackle it is very important that you focus on writing on solving problems for this. The most important part of your article is that you must create a killer title. If it does not grab the attention of the reader then they are unlikely to read it. Also include some keywords so that it will be found by the search engines.
Write the introduction and conclusion first as these are the easiest. Brainstorm ideas and encapsulate each one in the form of a bullet point. Later expand on this and write a paragraph based on each bullet point. Proof read your article checking for grammar and spelling mistakes. Submit your articles to the major article directories and include a link to your website in the resource box.
Finally, make sure that you write in a conversational style like you are talking to your reader. Also make sure that you are helping your reader. if you do this they are more likely to subscribe to your newsletter and become a customer.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
Article Source:
Article Writing Exposed - Am I Going To Get Rich By Writing 10 Articles?
By Mark A. Abrahams
One of the biggest mistakes that I see many article writers make is that they expect to get rich by only writing 10 articles. To succeed with this method of marketing you need to take massive action.
I know many people that attempt internet marketing. They do a little bit of work then they give up. Sometimes they just sit back and wait for everything else to take care of itself.
I remember when I first started. I was writing one a day and expected miracles from this. At this stage I doubted that article writing was a viable way to market my business as I simply was not getting good results.
However, when I hit 200 articles I was beginning to see a steady flow of prospects to my opt-in list. It was only at this stage that I could see measurable results that you could quantify.
Now, I get between 10 and 15 high quality leads everyday. As I write more this number is steadily increasing. I could not turn the traffic off even if I wanted to now.
The point that I am trying to make is that with internet marketing you need to take massive action to be successful. I am currently writing 10 to 15 articles a day and as I improve I hope to increase that even further.
You can also apply this philosophy to everything that you do. Tweak your bio and squeeze pages so that you are getting the maximum from your efforts. Also make sure that you focus and be consistent. Consistency is the key to your success.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
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One of the biggest mistakes that I see many article writers make is that they expect to get rich by only writing 10 articles. To succeed with this method of marketing you need to take massive action.
I know many people that attempt internet marketing. They do a little bit of work then they give up. Sometimes they just sit back and wait for everything else to take care of itself.
I remember when I first started. I was writing one a day and expected miracles from this. At this stage I doubted that article writing was a viable way to market my business as I simply was not getting good results.
However, when I hit 200 articles I was beginning to see a steady flow of prospects to my opt-in list. It was only at this stage that I could see measurable results that you could quantify.
Now, I get between 10 and 15 high quality leads everyday. As I write more this number is steadily increasing. I could not turn the traffic off even if I wanted to now.
The point that I am trying to make is that with internet marketing you need to take massive action to be successful. I am currently writing 10 to 15 articles a day and as I improve I hope to increase that even further.
You can also apply this philosophy to everything that you do. Tweak your bio and squeeze pages so that you are getting the maximum from your efforts. Also make sure that you focus and be consistent. Consistency is the key to your success.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
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How to Write Articles to Promote Your Home Based Business
By Alan Scholtz
Lots of people feel intimidated about writing their first article, but I will show you some easy ways to write quality articles that you can use to promote your home based business.
First of all what are good articles - that is any article that can accomplish the following,
* Generate free traffic to your site.
* Send traffic to a web site that you are promoting as an affiliate, (via your link).
* Provide quality content for a blog or lens.
* Combine several articles to make small reports or your own e-books.
People use the Internet to gather information, or to solve a problem, they want to learn something quickly, that is why your articles must be brief and to the point.
The quickest way to write article.
With all the tip websites, and online forums, there is no need to come up with all the content off the top of your head.
However - never take another persons word or article, do not even copy a sentence, that is illegal
Learn for their content, find similar content, until you have a good understanding of the topic, then write the article in your own words based on what you have read and learned from all the articles that you have gathered from the Internet.
Have a look at other websites in your own niche, you can write an article on why your home based business is different, what are the products different that you are offering and how are these products going to help your visitor.
How to find good Information.
If you want to write an article on "how to loose weight - for teenager's", search Google or any one of the major search engines for "weight loose forums" or how to "diet" or something similar, have a look for forums and discussion boards on the same topic.
Obviously, your articles must be the same product or very similar as the products on your home based business that you are promoting.
Now all you have to do is read the posts and the various responses and use this information to write your article.
If you find a great information product on clickbank, or any of the other affiliate programs that is the same as your article, you can promote that product at the same time. So now not only are you writing a great article but you are also getting money from your article when people click on your affiliate click.
Another place to gather information is at the "Frequently Asked Questions" at and
Remember to keep your article short, to the point and with loads of helpful tips and good advice.
How to Write your article title.
Your title is one of the most important parts to your whole article, this is what gets peoples attention, whether they decide to read your article or to pass it by.
Your title must convey exactly what you are offering in your article, think of the following titles,
"help your teenage children with their weight" or "diet programs for teenagers", these are kind of boring and do not really stand out.
"7 steps to an active & energetic teenager" - this title is much better, a good test to see if your title is good enough, is to submit a few articles with different titles to a few article directories and see which article gets the bigger response.
Now know that you have a good title, a great article that is promoting your home based business. The last part is to add some good long-tailed keywords that you know people are searching for, into your article.
If you want to learn more about writing articles or how to promote your business with articles, then get a copy of Article Writing Secrets, you will soon be churning out quality articles like a seasoned writer.
Alan Scholtz is the owner of How to DebtFree if you are looking to start a Internet business, then start here first.
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Lots of people feel intimidated about writing their first article, but I will show you some easy ways to write quality articles that you can use to promote your home based business.
First of all what are good articles - that is any article that can accomplish the following,
* Generate free traffic to your site.
* Send traffic to a web site that you are promoting as an affiliate, (via your link).
* Provide quality content for a blog or lens.
* Combine several articles to make small reports or your own e-books.
People use the Internet to gather information, or to solve a problem, they want to learn something quickly, that is why your articles must be brief and to the point.
The quickest way to write article.
With all the tip websites, and online forums, there is no need to come up with all the content off the top of your head.
However - never take another persons word or article, do not even copy a sentence, that is illegal
Learn for their content, find similar content, until you have a good understanding of the topic, then write the article in your own words based on what you have read and learned from all the articles that you have gathered from the Internet.
Have a look at other websites in your own niche, you can write an article on why your home based business is different, what are the products different that you are offering and how are these products going to help your visitor.
How to find good Information.
If you want to write an article on "how to loose weight - for teenager's", search Google or any one of the major search engines for "weight loose forums" or how to "diet" or something similar, have a look for forums and discussion boards on the same topic.
Obviously, your articles must be the same product or very similar as the products on your home based business that you are promoting.
Now all you have to do is read the posts and the various responses and use this information to write your article.
If you find a great information product on clickbank, or any of the other affiliate programs that is the same as your article, you can promote that product at the same time. So now not only are you writing a great article but you are also getting money from your article when people click on your affiliate click.
Another place to gather information is at the "Frequently Asked Questions" at and
Remember to keep your article short, to the point and with loads of helpful tips and good advice.
How to Write your article title.
Your title is one of the most important parts to your whole article, this is what gets peoples attention, whether they decide to read your article or to pass it by.
Your title must convey exactly what you are offering in your article, think of the following titles,
"help your teenage children with their weight" or "diet programs for teenagers", these are kind of boring and do not really stand out.
"7 steps to an active & energetic teenager" - this title is much better, a good test to see if your title is good enough, is to submit a few articles with different titles to a few article directories and see which article gets the bigger response.
Now know that you have a good title, a great article that is promoting your home based business. The last part is to add some good long-tailed keywords that you know people are searching for, into your article.
If you want to learn more about writing articles or how to promote your business with articles, then get a copy of Article Writing Secrets, you will soon be churning out quality articles like a seasoned writer.
Alan Scholtz is the owner of How to DebtFree if you are looking to start a Internet business, then start here first.
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High Ticket Article Writing Strategy
By Sean Mize
One of the things that is important when you are working to write articles for the purpose of generating traffic and leads to promote your high ticket products, is that you need to realize that each article on average is going to get you some number of subscribers and leads. And the more you write, the more leads you are gong to get.
Sometimes I get asked, I notice you write a lot of articles and a lot of the content is similar, why do you do that, and does it really work in terms of getting more traffic?
They don't necessarily have to be more similar or not. We submit about 200 articles a week and we submit on about six topics, so if you take that you get 30-35 articles on basically the same topic, so they are going to tend to be similar.
My strategy is massive traffic, massive traffic. I generate a total of about 18,000 unique visitors every single month. One thing that Google especially really really likes is new and fresh content. They want to see new pages every single day, and there's thousands of opportunities for people to view my articles.
Of course, the more I have that are fresh today, Google really places an emphasis on how old the article is, so if I've written an article yesterday then if I can write an article on just the same topic - I mean obviously I can't copy and paste it, it can't be the same words, but if I write a new article on exactly the same topic, I'm going to get more hits today than if I didn't write that article, even though it's on the same topic as yesterday.
Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"
Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
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One of the things that is important when you are working to write articles for the purpose of generating traffic and leads to promote your high ticket products, is that you need to realize that each article on average is going to get you some number of subscribers and leads. And the more you write, the more leads you are gong to get.
Sometimes I get asked, I notice you write a lot of articles and a lot of the content is similar, why do you do that, and does it really work in terms of getting more traffic?
They don't necessarily have to be more similar or not. We submit about 200 articles a week and we submit on about six topics, so if you take that you get 30-35 articles on basically the same topic, so they are going to tend to be similar.
My strategy is massive traffic, massive traffic. I generate a total of about 18,000 unique visitors every single month. One thing that Google especially really really likes is new and fresh content. They want to see new pages every single day, and there's thousands of opportunities for people to view my articles.
Of course, the more I have that are fresh today, Google really places an emphasis on how old the article is, so if I've written an article yesterday then if I can write an article on just the same topic - I mean obviously I can't copy and paste it, it can't be the same words, but if I write a new article on exactly the same topic, I'm going to get more hits today than if I didn't write that article, even though it's on the same topic as yesterday.
Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"
Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
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6 Useful Article Writing Tips To Get Your Articles Read
By Trevor Taylor
So everyone agrees that article writing campaigns offer only positive, good things for your website or online business, but all the same, the success of your campaign depends heavily on the quality of article writing within the text. Good article writing will hold the reader's attention right through to the end.
Article writing does not have to be a dreaded task. But there are a few things you should keep in mind, as you develop your own writing skills. You'll find that creative article writing can be a lot of fun, as well as being highly profitable for you and your website, and the overall success level of your marketing campaigns will naturally increase. Of course, article writing is always made easier when you are well versed in the content subject matter, but keep in mind that your readers may also know a little about the subject..
To make sure that you achieve the most from your article writing efforts, here are 6 great article writing tips which, if implemented properly, will keep your results more interesting and very readable.
1) Write in short paragraphs. If your writing produces long paragraphs, the reader can become confused, and is likely to lose concentration and quickly disregard the paragraph moving on to much easier-to-read articles. When writing for your marketing campaigns, keep paragraphs to around 100 words or less to stay effective.
2) Article writing experts will often use numbers or bullets to identify the points being outlined in their articles. Numbers and bullets will make points easier to remember and digest. Always format your bullets and numbers with indentations so that your article wonýt appear as a block of square paragraphs. This also adds a little flair and pizzazz to your article writing and improves the overall shape.
3) Develop the use of sub-headings as part of your article writing skills, to sub-divide your paragraphs will break each point into sections yet still remain as part of the whole article. It will also make it easier for the reader to move on from one point to the next and the transition would be smooth and easy. This way your content will not be likely to lose your reader's attention or the jist of your article subject matter.
4) Always use good attention-grabbing titles or headers in your article writing. If your title arouses the reader's curiosity youýre already halfway to tempting them to read your article. Use statements and questions in article writing that utilize the keywords that people are searching for. Keep the titles or headers that describe your articles short and concise without losing the description of the article writing content.
It makes for good article writing practice to use titles like, Tips To Make Her Want You More, or How To Make Her Swoon And Blush or you can also use titles that command people, for example, Make Her Yours in 6 Easy Steps. This type of title reaches out to a persons emotions and intrigues enough to keep them interested.
5) Make every effort in your article writing campaigns to sustain the readers interest from the beginning to the end. From the very first paragraph, use real experiences that can be used by your readers. Make good use of strong descriptions and metaphors in your article writing campaigns to drive home the strong points, but of course without over-doing it. Highlighting your examples by the use of graphic metaphors and similes will make your article writing easier, and you can write content that the reader can easily imagine. And it's always more interesting to be able to learn from another person's experiences.
6) Utilize reliable statistics wherever possible. Good article writing marketers will often use numbers, percentages, facts and figures in the text of their articles, which makes their article writing more authoritative and therefore believable. However, try not to be too formal. Keep your article writing content light, refreshing and easy to read. Almost as if you are a friendly teacher having a quiet chat with an keen student.
So there you have it! six little points that you can introduce into your article writing skills that will surely improve your readership, and remember that if your reader enjoys your article writing he is more likely to search for other articles written by you, or better still, inform others of your article writing efforts.
Trevor Taylor writes about his experiences in article writing and Internet marketing arenas. Free Online Marketing Tools Free Classified Ads Internet Marketing Services
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So everyone agrees that article writing campaigns offer only positive, good things for your website or online business, but all the same, the success of your campaign depends heavily on the quality of article writing within the text. Good article writing will hold the reader's attention right through to the end.
Article writing does not have to be a dreaded task. But there are a few things you should keep in mind, as you develop your own writing skills. You'll find that creative article writing can be a lot of fun, as well as being highly profitable for you and your website, and the overall success level of your marketing campaigns will naturally increase. Of course, article writing is always made easier when you are well versed in the content subject matter, but keep in mind that your readers may also know a little about the subject..
To make sure that you achieve the most from your article writing efforts, here are 6 great article writing tips which, if implemented properly, will keep your results more interesting and very readable.
1) Write in short paragraphs. If your writing produces long paragraphs, the reader can become confused, and is likely to lose concentration and quickly disregard the paragraph moving on to much easier-to-read articles. When writing for your marketing campaigns, keep paragraphs to around 100 words or less to stay effective.
2) Article writing experts will often use numbers or bullets to identify the points being outlined in their articles. Numbers and bullets will make points easier to remember and digest. Always format your bullets and numbers with indentations so that your article wonýt appear as a block of square paragraphs. This also adds a little flair and pizzazz to your article writing and improves the overall shape.
3) Develop the use of sub-headings as part of your article writing skills, to sub-divide your paragraphs will break each point into sections yet still remain as part of the whole article. It will also make it easier for the reader to move on from one point to the next and the transition would be smooth and easy. This way your content will not be likely to lose your reader's attention or the jist of your article subject matter.
4) Always use good attention-grabbing titles or headers in your article writing. If your title arouses the reader's curiosity youýre already halfway to tempting them to read your article. Use statements and questions in article writing that utilize the keywords that people are searching for. Keep the titles or headers that describe your articles short and concise without losing the description of the article writing content.
It makes for good article writing practice to use titles like, Tips To Make Her Want You More, or How To Make Her Swoon And Blush or you can also use titles that command people, for example, Make Her Yours in 6 Easy Steps. This type of title reaches out to a persons emotions and intrigues enough to keep them interested.
5) Make every effort in your article writing campaigns to sustain the readers interest from the beginning to the end. From the very first paragraph, use real experiences that can be used by your readers. Make good use of strong descriptions and metaphors in your article writing campaigns to drive home the strong points, but of course without over-doing it. Highlighting your examples by the use of graphic metaphors and similes will make your article writing easier, and you can write content that the reader can easily imagine. And it's always more interesting to be able to learn from another person's experiences.
6) Utilize reliable statistics wherever possible. Good article writing marketers will often use numbers, percentages, facts and figures in the text of their articles, which makes their article writing more authoritative and therefore believable. However, try not to be too formal. Keep your article writing content light, refreshing and easy to read. Almost as if you are a friendly teacher having a quiet chat with an keen student.
So there you have it! six little points that you can introduce into your article writing skills that will surely improve your readership, and remember that if your reader enjoys your article writing he is more likely to search for other articles written by you, or better still, inform others of your article writing efforts.
Trevor Taylor writes about his experiences in article writing and Internet marketing arenas. Free Online Marketing Tools Free Classified Ads Internet Marketing Services
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Affiliate Marketing - Product Promotion by Writing
By Tim Redman
Lots of people join the affiliate marketing community everyday, hoping to make a living out of their efforts to promote someone else's products. However, most affiliate marketers fall at the first hurdle. Why? Well they go off and spend money they cannot afford on advertising, be it PPC (Pay-Per-Click) or banner placement.
What they don't understand is they can get high placements in a search engine for the webpage by using the power of article writing.
Article writing is a fantastic tool for getting your website higher in the ranks of a search engine. Simply because you must submit your articles to an article directory such as or and because the search engines love the fresh content that these directories have to offer, you have a better chance of moving up the search engines.
By writing about the products that you are selling, you are identifying a niche, writing about a niche is important as it will gain momentum within a search engine quickly. Two main points about writing though are:-
* Keep the content of you article relevant to your product or service. Don't write about skiing if your product or service is about pet care!
* Make sure your content is original. Don't bother going out and paying some website for PLR content. This stuff has been circulating the internet for years and crops up all over the place. Search engines will penalise you for this. Make sure the content is your own.
One of the major benefits of article writing is that it can be done on the cheap. In fact in most cases it can be done without spending a penny. You just have to put a little bit of effort into it.
There is only one slight problem with article writing for product promotion. It can take a little bit of time. A lot of new affiliate marketers are looking for a get rich quick system. Article writing isn't for them; however, they will often find they will be penniless by the time they have invested heavily in advertising, PPC, etc.
Article writing is a steady course that will give results; in fact you will probably see a rise in website traffic after your article is approved into a directory. Just keep writing articles around your products and after time, you will definitely see an increase in sales.
Tim Redman is a successful Internet Marketer with experience of working from home and generating an income that sustains his lifestyle. He writes numerous articles on various topics around Internet marketing and search engine optimization. He currently writes articles for
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Lots of people join the affiliate marketing community everyday, hoping to make a living out of their efforts to promote someone else's products. However, most affiliate marketers fall at the first hurdle. Why? Well they go off and spend money they cannot afford on advertising, be it PPC (Pay-Per-Click) or banner placement.
What they don't understand is they can get high placements in a search engine for the webpage by using the power of article writing.
Article writing is a fantastic tool for getting your website higher in the ranks of a search engine. Simply because you must submit your articles to an article directory such as or and because the search engines love the fresh content that these directories have to offer, you have a better chance of moving up the search engines.
By writing about the products that you are selling, you are identifying a niche, writing about a niche is important as it will gain momentum within a search engine quickly. Two main points about writing though are:-
* Keep the content of you article relevant to your product or service. Don't write about skiing if your product or service is about pet care!
* Make sure your content is original. Don't bother going out and paying some website for PLR content. This stuff has been circulating the internet for years and crops up all over the place. Search engines will penalise you for this. Make sure the content is your own.
One of the major benefits of article writing is that it can be done on the cheap. In fact in most cases it can be done without spending a penny. You just have to put a little bit of effort into it.
There is only one slight problem with article writing for product promotion. It can take a little bit of time. A lot of new affiliate marketers are looking for a get rich quick system. Article writing isn't for them; however, they will often find they will be penniless by the time they have invested heavily in advertising, PPC, etc.
Article writing is a steady course that will give results; in fact you will probably see a rise in website traffic after your article is approved into a directory. Just keep writing articles around your products and after time, you will definitely see an increase in sales.
Tim Redman is a successful Internet Marketer with experience of working from home and generating an income that sustains his lifestyle. He writes numerous articles on various topics around Internet marketing and search engine optimization. He currently writes articles for
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A Fiction Writing Technique - Play The "What If" Game
By Emily Hanlon
The fastest way to open up a story, unleash the passion of characters and uncover story line is to play the "What If" game. For example, your character was in a fight, got scared and ran away. That worked pretty well, but you don't know where to go next. Ask yourself, "What if my character doesn't run away? What if she faces down her enemy?" So you try this new "what if", but the passion still isn't there. What next?
Ask another "what if" question, such as, "What if the character pulls out a gun?"
Where did that thought come from? There's not even a potential for a gun in the scene. Aha-what if the character pulls out an emotional gun? For example, if in your first version, the character is silent or passive in the face of a verbal assault, what if he shouts? (Notice that in asking what if, she turned into he.)
What if he screams? Rants and rages?
What if the character is married? What if the character isn't married? Has children? Has just been fired?
What if the character is ten years older? Ten years younger? Has just fallen in love? Broken up with a lover? Divorced? Is about to go into bankruptcy?
What if the character is a hit man? Lives in the country instead of the city? Lives in a poor neighborhood instead of a middle class neighborhood? Is really a writer and not a doctor? Is a homeless woman instead of a wealthy suburbanite? Is a thief? Steals out of necessity? Steals for thrills?
The "what ifs" are endless!
Think of a story or character. It can be one you're working on or you can just make up one right now. Make list of at least ten "what ifs" for the story and character.
Which of the "what ifs" sounds the most exciting? Write the story using that what if and see how the story changes. Invite change. Don't be afraid to overwrite. It is easier to pull back from overwriting than it is to build up from work that is thinly drawn. Expect to write garbage. Don't worry if you find yourself telling instead of showing. In fact, don't worry. If you worry, you won't take chances and you won't have fun.
Emily Hanlon is a writing coach, a creativity coach and novelist. As a writing coach, Emily demystifies the writing process with her two pronged approach of teaching technique and unleashing creativity. In addition to private coaching, she offers, workshops, retreats, teleseminars and teleworkshops.
Her work as a creativity coach is based on her belief that the multifaceted journey of creativity is not limited to the arts, but nurtures life at its most profound depths. The creative journey is a template for leading a more creatively fulfilling, aware and meaningful life. Emily offers two Mentoring Programs: Creativity as A Wellspring of Life and Writing Your Story, Creating a Tapestry of Your Life: Memoir Writing as a Healing Journey
If you are looking for help on writing technique or unleashing your creativity, explore these TeleSeminars from Emily Hanlon, now 50% off.
Her websites are:
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The fastest way to open up a story, unleash the passion of characters and uncover story line is to play the "What If" game. For example, your character was in a fight, got scared and ran away. That worked pretty well, but you don't know where to go next. Ask yourself, "What if my character doesn't run away? What if she faces down her enemy?" So you try this new "what if", but the passion still isn't there. What next?
Ask another "what if" question, such as, "What if the character pulls out a gun?"
Where did that thought come from? There's not even a potential for a gun in the scene. Aha-what if the character pulls out an emotional gun? For example, if in your first version, the character is silent or passive in the face of a verbal assault, what if he shouts? (Notice that in asking what if, she turned into he.)
What if he screams? Rants and rages?
What if the character is married? What if the character isn't married? Has children? Has just been fired?
What if the character is ten years older? Ten years younger? Has just fallen in love? Broken up with a lover? Divorced? Is about to go into bankruptcy?
What if the character is a hit man? Lives in the country instead of the city? Lives in a poor neighborhood instead of a middle class neighborhood? Is really a writer and not a doctor? Is a homeless woman instead of a wealthy suburbanite? Is a thief? Steals out of necessity? Steals for thrills?
The "what ifs" are endless!
Think of a story or character. It can be one you're working on or you can just make up one right now. Make list of at least ten "what ifs" for the story and character.
Which of the "what ifs" sounds the most exciting? Write the story using that what if and see how the story changes. Invite change. Don't be afraid to overwrite. It is easier to pull back from overwriting than it is to build up from work that is thinly drawn. Expect to write garbage. Don't worry if you find yourself telling instead of showing. In fact, don't worry. If you worry, you won't take chances and you won't have fun.
Emily Hanlon is a writing coach, a creativity coach and novelist. As a writing coach, Emily demystifies the writing process with her two pronged approach of teaching technique and unleashing creativity. In addition to private coaching, she offers, workshops, retreats, teleseminars and teleworkshops.
Her work as a creativity coach is based on her belief that the multifaceted journey of creativity is not limited to the arts, but nurtures life at its most profound depths. The creative journey is a template for leading a more creatively fulfilling, aware and meaningful life. Emily offers two Mentoring Programs: Creativity as A Wellspring of Life and Writing Your Story, Creating a Tapestry of Your Life: Memoir Writing as a Healing Journey
If you are looking for help on writing technique or unleashing your creativity, explore these TeleSeminars from Emily Hanlon, now 50% off.
Her websites are:
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The Creative Process, How and Why It Works
By Emily Hanlon
Creativity is a subtle and magnificent dance between the rational and the intuitive, between the left and right parts of the brains, between technique and imagination. Both partners in this dance are absolutely necessary and are needed in equal proportion, which means that imagination is not more important than technique and visa versa. If you only live in the imagination, you will never get organized, you will never complete your story. However, if you start from the rational, linear, organizational part of the process, ( ie. Gotta have the perfect opening sentence and first paragraph... better yet, an outline...) you will never fall into the rich, passionate cosmic landscape of the imagination where anything is possible.
However, the main problem I have seen in my twenty-five years of teaching fiction writing is over-dependence on the rational part of the equation. People want to get the story written and get it out. (Whatever that means?) The want to leap frog the process, get the words down on the page and finish the story. This is to symptomatic of the goal oriented society that we live in, a society that is striving upwards toward success instead of embracing the deeper, more powerful and life changing journey of descent that takes us into the creative realm of the true self.
There are so many examples of ways we short-cut this life changing process, but the one that comes to mind is the adage, "Write what you know."
Write what you know? This is not only boring but is contradictory to the basic core of creativity, which by definition brings into being that which has not been before. If you write from what you know, if you remain slavish to the facts of what happened, you are writing out of you concious mind and will remain stuck in the straightjacket of your conscious perception of "reality." That said, there is nothing wrong with using your life or any aspect of your experiences as a jumping off point or a doorway into the unconsious. The key is not to be slavish to the known. Rather we need to have our writer's antenna on the lookout for the doorway into the unknown and the unseen. Gertrude Stein put it this way: "You cannot go into the womb to form the child... What will be best in it (your writing) is what your really do not know now. If you knew it all it would not be creation but dictation."
Paradoxically, when we write from the imagination we are writing what we "know" but from such a deep level of knowing that we don't know that we know it until it is revealed in our writing. This is often the truer aspect of self, the part that we do not readily show to the world, and sometimes do not show even to our self - at least not consciously. This is what makes the journey such risky business. This is also the great joy of writing; when we are true to the process, we discover worlds within we did not know existed.
An image I use to describe the intuitive journey of creativity is "falling down the rabbit hole" into Wonderland. This is a perfect metaphor for the creative journey which can never take place in the "real" or conscious world. Writing, whether it be fiction, poetry or nonfiction, finds its origins in the dark, fertile chaos of the unconscious - your personal Wonderland. If you don't meet Cheshire cats and Mad Hatters, Tweedledees and Tweedledums, mad queens, dragons, flying monkeys and monsters, or your version of the above, then you have not fallen. This is not to say you have to be writing fantasy or horror to open to your unconscious, but the journey must hold metaphorically a good sprinkling of both.
Although scary, there is tremendous freedom for you as a writer in "falling down the rabbit hole" into your personal Wonderland. It frees you from the narrowing confines of your conscious mind or what you know, or think, is "reality". It frees you from crushing, often paralyzing shalts and shalt nots of your Inner Critic. Why? Because the mind is the home of conscious, rational, linear thought, judgment, language and evaluation. This is the territory of your Inner Critic. If you rely on your mind to develop your stories, you leave yourself open to the prison created by your Inner Critic -- that voice inside your head that says things like, "Not good enough... never good enough... you'll never be a writer. Go clean the house! Who wants to read anything you write..." Sound familiar?
So, what's the answer? How do you escape the Inner Critic?
Fall down the rabbit hole into your creative unconscious! The Inner Critic won't follow you there.
The Inner Critic is terrified of the creative unconscious because it is the home of feelings, emotions, images and it is chaotic and unexpected. The Inner Critic likes order and loves the status quo, which is antithetical to the creative unconscious. That's why if you "fall down the rabbit hole" the Inner Critic won't follow you! Free of the Inner Critic, you have the possibility of experiencing real creative freedom and passionate stories awaits you. Only then can the true dance begin!
Emily Hanlon is a writing coach, a creativity coach and novelist.
As a writing coach, Emily demystifies the writing process with her two pronged approach of teaching technique and unleashing creativity. In addition to private coaching, she offers, workshops, retreats, teleseminars and teleworkshops.
Her work as a creativity coach is based on her belief that the multifaceted journey of creativity is not limited to the arts, but nurtures life at its most profound depths. The creative journey is a template for leading a more creatively fulfilling, aware and meaningful life. Emily offers two Mentoring Programs: Creativity as A Wellspring of Life and Writing Your Story, Creating a Tapestry of Your Life: Memoir Writing as a Healing Journey
If you are looking for help on writing technique or unleashing your creativity, explore these TeleSeminars from Emily Hanlon, now 50% off.
Her websites are:
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Creativity is a subtle and magnificent dance between the rational and the intuitive, between the left and right parts of the brains, between technique and imagination. Both partners in this dance are absolutely necessary and are needed in equal proportion, which means that imagination is not more important than technique and visa versa. If you only live in the imagination, you will never get organized, you will never complete your story. However, if you start from the rational, linear, organizational part of the process, ( ie. Gotta have the perfect opening sentence and first paragraph... better yet, an outline...) you will never fall into the rich, passionate cosmic landscape of the imagination where anything is possible.
However, the main problem I have seen in my twenty-five years of teaching fiction writing is over-dependence on the rational part of the equation. People want to get the story written and get it out. (Whatever that means?) The want to leap frog the process, get the words down on the page and finish the story. This is to symptomatic of the goal oriented society that we live in, a society that is striving upwards toward success instead of embracing the deeper, more powerful and life changing journey of descent that takes us into the creative realm of the true self.
There are so many examples of ways we short-cut this life changing process, but the one that comes to mind is the adage, "Write what you know."
Write what you know? This is not only boring but is contradictory to the basic core of creativity, which by definition brings into being that which has not been before. If you write from what you know, if you remain slavish to the facts of what happened, you are writing out of you concious mind and will remain stuck in the straightjacket of your conscious perception of "reality." That said, there is nothing wrong with using your life or any aspect of your experiences as a jumping off point or a doorway into the unconsious. The key is not to be slavish to the known. Rather we need to have our writer's antenna on the lookout for the doorway into the unknown and the unseen. Gertrude Stein put it this way: "You cannot go into the womb to form the child... What will be best in it (your writing) is what your really do not know now. If you knew it all it would not be creation but dictation."
Paradoxically, when we write from the imagination we are writing what we "know" but from such a deep level of knowing that we don't know that we know it until it is revealed in our writing. This is often the truer aspect of self, the part that we do not readily show to the world, and sometimes do not show even to our self - at least not consciously. This is what makes the journey such risky business. This is also the great joy of writing; when we are true to the process, we discover worlds within we did not know existed.
An image I use to describe the intuitive journey of creativity is "falling down the rabbit hole" into Wonderland. This is a perfect metaphor for the creative journey which can never take place in the "real" or conscious world. Writing, whether it be fiction, poetry or nonfiction, finds its origins in the dark, fertile chaos of the unconscious - your personal Wonderland. If you don't meet Cheshire cats and Mad Hatters, Tweedledees and Tweedledums, mad queens, dragons, flying monkeys and monsters, or your version of the above, then you have not fallen. This is not to say you have to be writing fantasy or horror to open to your unconscious, but the journey must hold metaphorically a good sprinkling of both.
Although scary, there is tremendous freedom for you as a writer in "falling down the rabbit hole" into your personal Wonderland. It frees you from the narrowing confines of your conscious mind or what you know, or think, is "reality". It frees you from crushing, often paralyzing shalts and shalt nots of your Inner Critic. Why? Because the mind is the home of conscious, rational, linear thought, judgment, language and evaluation. This is the territory of your Inner Critic. If you rely on your mind to develop your stories, you leave yourself open to the prison created by your Inner Critic -- that voice inside your head that says things like, "Not good enough... never good enough... you'll never be a writer. Go clean the house! Who wants to read anything you write..." Sound familiar?
So, what's the answer? How do you escape the Inner Critic?
Fall down the rabbit hole into your creative unconscious! The Inner Critic won't follow you there.
The Inner Critic is terrified of the creative unconscious because it is the home of feelings, emotions, images and it is chaotic and unexpected. The Inner Critic likes order and loves the status quo, which is antithetical to the creative unconscious. That's why if you "fall down the rabbit hole" the Inner Critic won't follow you! Free of the Inner Critic, you have the possibility of experiencing real creative freedom and passionate stories awaits you. Only then can the true dance begin!
Emily Hanlon is a writing coach, a creativity coach and novelist.
As a writing coach, Emily demystifies the writing process with her two pronged approach of teaching technique and unleashing creativity. In addition to private coaching, she offers, workshops, retreats, teleseminars and teleworkshops.
Her work as a creativity coach is based on her belief that the multifaceted journey of creativity is not limited to the arts, but nurtures life at its most profound depths. The creative journey is a template for leading a more creatively fulfilling, aware and meaningful life. Emily offers two Mentoring Programs: Creativity as A Wellspring of Life and Writing Your Story, Creating a Tapestry of Your Life: Memoir Writing as a Healing Journey
If you are looking for help on writing technique or unleashing your creativity, explore these TeleSeminars from Emily Hanlon, now 50% off.
Her websites are:
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From Personal To Professional
By Ward Tipton
Many great writers got their start by keeping personal diaries or journals. No matter what you call them, they are a very valid contribution to your skills and ability as a writer. What many people fail to understand is the full range of benefits involved with keeping such personal observations regarding simple matters of their life. While the author may disregard these events as casual or par for the life, at some point in time, they may very well provide the backbone for the next great novel or in some instances, the next top-selling autobiography.
Writers, by their very nature, are involved with many different aspects of the world around them. A good writer can place the reader at the scene and paint incredible pictures with their words that allow the people to experience the scene almost as if they were right there when it happened. Keeping a daily record of those events can make it much easier to recreate the moments when it is time to record them for posterity.
Imagine the literary loss to the world had Thoreau never taken notes about his observations? Would you consider a walk through the woods to be anything worthy of historical retrospect? Whether you do or not, there may be small key points that relate to the world in a way you could not even have imagined at the time that are only brought to light under the reflection of lessons learned long after the original moment passed. Those moments would be forever lost to history had someone not taken the time to record their simple, mundane or even perhaps seemingly boring thoughts for a look back later in time.
Imagine the fate of the literary world had Hemingway retreated even further into himself and never made any effort at all to communicate his view of the world. Where would we be without his classics teaching of us the constant struggle within each and every one of us. The ability that he had to express the desire to go on living despite the futility of life around us, the strike of fate which hits us all so deeply on so many levels, was an incredible gift and one that should rightfully be shared with the world.
No matter how insignificant the events of a day may seem at its passing, it could contain minute details that will only be visible at a later point in time. Recording the major occurrences of a day will often help the reader to put together all of the little things that happened as well. Those small details often add up to a moment of greatness that can be shared and enjoyed by others as well.
While you may or may not be the writer that creates the next best-seller or wins the next Pulitzer, you could still make valuable contributions to the world. Are you ready to deny the world all of the benefits of what you have to offer? Keeping something so simple as a daily journal or diary may seem almost like an exercise in futility to you at the moment, but it could in fact, provide the key that opens up the next great adventure, either for you personally or for the world as a whole.
To paraphrase an old saying; "Thar's gold in them thar words!" Make sure that you write them down and give the world a chance to shine some light on them.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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Many great writers got their start by keeping personal diaries or journals. No matter what you call them, they are a very valid contribution to your skills and ability as a writer. What many people fail to understand is the full range of benefits involved with keeping such personal observations regarding simple matters of their life. While the author may disregard these events as casual or par for the life, at some point in time, they may very well provide the backbone for the next great novel or in some instances, the next top-selling autobiography.
Writers, by their very nature, are involved with many different aspects of the world around them. A good writer can place the reader at the scene and paint incredible pictures with their words that allow the people to experience the scene almost as if they were right there when it happened. Keeping a daily record of those events can make it much easier to recreate the moments when it is time to record them for posterity.
Imagine the literary loss to the world had Thoreau never taken notes about his observations? Would you consider a walk through the woods to be anything worthy of historical retrospect? Whether you do or not, there may be small key points that relate to the world in a way you could not even have imagined at the time that are only brought to light under the reflection of lessons learned long after the original moment passed. Those moments would be forever lost to history had someone not taken the time to record their simple, mundane or even perhaps seemingly boring thoughts for a look back later in time.
Imagine the fate of the literary world had Hemingway retreated even further into himself and never made any effort at all to communicate his view of the world. Where would we be without his classics teaching of us the constant struggle within each and every one of us. The ability that he had to express the desire to go on living despite the futility of life around us, the strike of fate which hits us all so deeply on so many levels, was an incredible gift and one that should rightfully be shared with the world.
No matter how insignificant the events of a day may seem at its passing, it could contain minute details that will only be visible at a later point in time. Recording the major occurrences of a day will often help the reader to put together all of the little things that happened as well. Those small details often add up to a moment of greatness that can be shared and enjoyed by others as well.
While you may or may not be the writer that creates the next best-seller or wins the next Pulitzer, you could still make valuable contributions to the world. Are you ready to deny the world all of the benefits of what you have to offer? Keeping something so simple as a daily journal or diary may seem almost like an exercise in futility to you at the moment, but it could in fact, provide the key that opens up the next great adventure, either for you personally or for the world as a whole.
To paraphrase an old saying; "Thar's gold in them thar words!" Make sure that you write them down and give the world a chance to shine some light on them.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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The Joys Of Writing
By Ward Tipton
Imagine being able to get paid for doing something that you love to do and would do even if you did not get paid for it. Imagine being paid to travel around the world only to discover anything and everything that is related to your passion in life. Imagine being able to switch boats in midstream without ever getting your feet wet. Imagine that if you get bored with your subject matter that you can move on to the next topic and still get paid for it.
There is no need for you to imagine such a fantasy life any more than there is for you to believe that it is a fantasy and not an absolute fact based solidly in the truth. If you want to pursue a career that gives you all of these freedoms and more, all you need to do is consider writing for a living.
Some jobs will pay better than others will and some will not pay well at all. Still, the average pay for a writer in the USA is roughly $36,000 annually. That is not bad money even if you do not start making that much. Finding your market will be every bit as important as writing about your passions will be if you want to become financially successful as well. Without a market, you will find it difficult to make any money at all.
Writing has the ability to open up the global market to you on a truly amazing level. Whether you are writing for fun or for money makes little or no difference. However, you will need to find a viable market before you start being paid. If you do not know where to start, try beginning with a simple blog and keeping it up to date on a regular basis. Set a certain minimal word length for yourself, set a time of day when the article must be posted and you will actually increase your chances of success.
While it may not do you any real good on your actual resume, it will help you to get used to working under the pressures of a deadline. This is only one of many hurdles that you will ultimately face but it is a very important one as well. No matter who you work for ultimately, even if you are doing freelance work, you will often be under pressure to meet someone else's deadlines. If you can do this for someone else, you should be able to do it for yourself as well. If you cannot do it for your personal benefit, how can you expect to compete when all of the time lines are setup and established by other people?
However, if you really do enjoy your freedom and are looking for an escape from the rat race and an opportunity to earn a viable living no matter what your personal interests are, writing may very well provide you with the answer you have been looking for all along. Have you ever wanted to be paid for traveling the globe? Make the first step of your journey as simple as picking up a pen, some paper and putting your thoughts down into words on paper. The joys of writing go far beyond just sharing information, it includes an opportunity to make a good living doing whatever you want, only writing about it as well.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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Imagine being able to get paid for doing something that you love to do and would do even if you did not get paid for it. Imagine being paid to travel around the world only to discover anything and everything that is related to your passion in life. Imagine being able to switch boats in midstream without ever getting your feet wet. Imagine that if you get bored with your subject matter that you can move on to the next topic and still get paid for it.
There is no need for you to imagine such a fantasy life any more than there is for you to believe that it is a fantasy and not an absolute fact based solidly in the truth. If you want to pursue a career that gives you all of these freedoms and more, all you need to do is consider writing for a living.
Some jobs will pay better than others will and some will not pay well at all. Still, the average pay for a writer in the USA is roughly $36,000 annually. That is not bad money even if you do not start making that much. Finding your market will be every bit as important as writing about your passions will be if you want to become financially successful as well. Without a market, you will find it difficult to make any money at all.
Writing has the ability to open up the global market to you on a truly amazing level. Whether you are writing for fun or for money makes little or no difference. However, you will need to find a viable market before you start being paid. If you do not know where to start, try beginning with a simple blog and keeping it up to date on a regular basis. Set a certain minimal word length for yourself, set a time of day when the article must be posted and you will actually increase your chances of success.
While it may not do you any real good on your actual resume, it will help you to get used to working under the pressures of a deadline. This is only one of many hurdles that you will ultimately face but it is a very important one as well. No matter who you work for ultimately, even if you are doing freelance work, you will often be under pressure to meet someone else's deadlines. If you can do this for someone else, you should be able to do it for yourself as well. If you cannot do it for your personal benefit, how can you expect to compete when all of the time lines are setup and established by other people?
However, if you really do enjoy your freedom and are looking for an escape from the rat race and an opportunity to earn a viable living no matter what your personal interests are, writing may very well provide you with the answer you have been looking for all along. Have you ever wanted to be paid for traveling the globe? Make the first step of your journey as simple as picking up a pen, some paper and putting your thoughts down into words on paper. The joys of writing go far beyond just sharing information, it includes an opportunity to make a good living doing whatever you want, only writing about it as well.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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The Write Environment
By Ward Tipton
Whether you are writing for fun, because you have to or just to make a living, the environment you select to work in will not only make a difference but be reflected in your writing as well. No matter what the general consensus may be, or even if there is one, writing is work and it requires concentration, dedication and attention to detail. At least it does require all of these things if you want your writing to be legible, readable and worth anything to anyone other than you personally.
If you are making your living writing op-ed pieces, it may not make much of a difference as long as you are capable of formulating your opinions and writing them down in a manner that is understandable to your readers. However, even then there has to be some consideration put into your work. If you are distracted by anything that removes your focus from your writing, it will be reflected in the materials that you create. While it may not be as obvious here, it will still show to an experienced reader.
To become a successful writer, it is imperative that you remember that it is work. You must find an environment that is suitable and conducive to accomplishing the tasks at hand. The fewer the distractions you have, the quicker you will finish and the better your final product will be. This environment will be different depending on your personal likes and dislikes however. It is not for anyone else to tell you how you must work to better accomplish what you have to get done. You will ultimately have to discover your own middle ground.
For some people, working on the beach with their laptop may produce much better results than they could ever hope for working in a closed office environment. Other writers may not be able to take their mind off the sound of the waves breaking and the endless chatter of other people enjoying the same atmosphere. What works for one person will not always work for another.
The music you listen to will also have a bearing on how well or how poorly you write. Your tastes may vary and like a change in scenery, a change in music may be in order as well if you want to fully optimize your skills and your output. For many people, their selection of music may change depending on what they are writing about and the urgency in completing their work.
One of the greatest benefits of being a writer is that you will have the ability to make the vast majority of decisions regarding how, where and even when you will work. While you may still have to make certain compromises, they can be limited in both scope and impact more so for writers than they can for nearly anyone else in any profession. You should be able to make choices not only about your subject, but about almost every aspect of your working environment as well. All things being equal, this is perhaps one of the greatest advantages to being a professional writer.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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Whether you are writing for fun, because you have to or just to make a living, the environment you select to work in will not only make a difference but be reflected in your writing as well. No matter what the general consensus may be, or even if there is one, writing is work and it requires concentration, dedication and attention to detail. At least it does require all of these things if you want your writing to be legible, readable and worth anything to anyone other than you personally.
If you are making your living writing op-ed pieces, it may not make much of a difference as long as you are capable of formulating your opinions and writing them down in a manner that is understandable to your readers. However, even then there has to be some consideration put into your work. If you are distracted by anything that removes your focus from your writing, it will be reflected in the materials that you create. While it may not be as obvious here, it will still show to an experienced reader.
To become a successful writer, it is imperative that you remember that it is work. You must find an environment that is suitable and conducive to accomplishing the tasks at hand. The fewer the distractions you have, the quicker you will finish and the better your final product will be. This environment will be different depending on your personal likes and dislikes however. It is not for anyone else to tell you how you must work to better accomplish what you have to get done. You will ultimately have to discover your own middle ground.
For some people, working on the beach with their laptop may produce much better results than they could ever hope for working in a closed office environment. Other writers may not be able to take their mind off the sound of the waves breaking and the endless chatter of other people enjoying the same atmosphere. What works for one person will not always work for another.
The music you listen to will also have a bearing on how well or how poorly you write. Your tastes may vary and like a change in scenery, a change in music may be in order as well if you want to fully optimize your skills and your output. For many people, their selection of music may change depending on what they are writing about and the urgency in completing their work.
One of the greatest benefits of being a writer is that you will have the ability to make the vast majority of decisions regarding how, where and even when you will work. While you may still have to make certain compromises, they can be limited in both scope and impact more so for writers than they can for nearly anyone else in any profession. You should be able to make choices not only about your subject, but about almost every aspect of your working environment as well. All things being equal, this is perhaps one of the greatest advantages to being a professional writer.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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Write About Now
By Ward Tipton
A lot of people have a strong desire to become writers but cannot figure out what to write about. If you are having troubles discovering interesting topics to write about, try just opening up your eyes and taking a look around you right now. Reflecting on the past can be great for personal introspection or reminiscing. Dreaming about the future can be a great way of thinking about things to come but there is nothing like the here and now if you want quality writing resources that will help you in the present.
Many schools teach current events or have other methods of keeping up to date with what is in the news and what is going on in the world around us. Opening up just about any newspaper or magazine will allow you to see what is popular right now and give you valid resource points for your writing efforts. Move this online utilizing the tools provided by the major search engines and you can literally get up to the minute information about current affairs.
The benefits to using up to date and current topics should be obvious but for many people who are new to writing on the internet, they are not. The reasons that these subjects are displayed so prominently in the search engines are that people are actually searching for them a lot at the present time. This means that once you peg a few of these and come up with some quality and original content regarding these topics, your website will reap the rewards.
So what are these benefits? The search engines are already searching for anything and everything about these topics. They are cued up and the spiders and bots crawling over the internet are actively seeking out these topics and subjects of particular interest. Your site will probably be indexed much faster once you include some of the keywords and keyword phrases that people are actively seeking out. Additionally, you will also receive a lot more traffic on these subjects since they are being so actively searched.
What you can actually accomplish with that additional traffic is up to you but more hits, more traffic and more visitors to your site means more of a market to sell your wares to. What would you be able to do if you could increase the traffic to your site ten fold or even more? Keeping your site up to date makes this not only possible, but actually a probable occurrence. Mind you, there will still be a need to find a product to present to these people.
Products, reports, books, ring tones, affiliate programs and other methods of marketing should be the least of your worries. With a little creativity, it will be easy to find a product to sell to your audience or even create your own. Now you will have viable products for sale on your site, a never-ending flow of traffic to sell them too and you should be able to enjoy an increased amount of success.
What are you waiting for? There is lots of money to be made and many people looking for a reason to give that money to you, why not get started? Write about now!
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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A lot of people have a strong desire to become writers but cannot figure out what to write about. If you are having troubles discovering interesting topics to write about, try just opening up your eyes and taking a look around you right now. Reflecting on the past can be great for personal introspection or reminiscing. Dreaming about the future can be a great way of thinking about things to come but there is nothing like the here and now if you want quality writing resources that will help you in the present.
Many schools teach current events or have other methods of keeping up to date with what is in the news and what is going on in the world around us. Opening up just about any newspaper or magazine will allow you to see what is popular right now and give you valid resource points for your writing efforts. Move this online utilizing the tools provided by the major search engines and you can literally get up to the minute information about current affairs.
The benefits to using up to date and current topics should be obvious but for many people who are new to writing on the internet, they are not. The reasons that these subjects are displayed so prominently in the search engines are that people are actually searching for them a lot at the present time. This means that once you peg a few of these and come up with some quality and original content regarding these topics, your website will reap the rewards.
So what are these benefits? The search engines are already searching for anything and everything about these topics. They are cued up and the spiders and bots crawling over the internet are actively seeking out these topics and subjects of particular interest. Your site will probably be indexed much faster once you include some of the keywords and keyword phrases that people are actively seeking out. Additionally, you will also receive a lot more traffic on these subjects since they are being so actively searched.
What you can actually accomplish with that additional traffic is up to you but more hits, more traffic and more visitors to your site means more of a market to sell your wares to. What would you be able to do if you could increase the traffic to your site ten fold or even more? Keeping your site up to date makes this not only possible, but actually a probable occurrence. Mind you, there will still be a need to find a product to present to these people.
Products, reports, books, ring tones, affiliate programs and other methods of marketing should be the least of your worries. With a little creativity, it will be easy to find a product to sell to your audience or even create your own. Now you will have viable products for sale on your site, a never-ending flow of traffic to sell them too and you should be able to enjoy an increased amount of success.
What are you waiting for? There is lots of money to be made and many people looking for a reason to give that money to you, why not get started? Write about now!
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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Write Markets
By Ward Tipton
So, you have decided to make the leap and become a professional writer. You have been practicing, getting better and working out all of the bugs and now you are ready to go but there is still one little problem. You have no clue where to go to find paying markets and you have no idea what to do once you find them. One solution is to work for free but that is really not a viable alternative for most people. So what do you do now?
If you are planning on making a living writing on the internet, you will soon discover that the search engines are you new best friends. You can use the search engines to discover new markets, figure out how much they pay and even discover ones that will allow you to continue making a living in your selected field.
The best place to start is by doing a search for the actual subject of your writing. For example, if you wanted to write in the Science Fiction genre you could look up Science Fiction and you will find a great number of markets. Still, that will not be enough to get you accepted by anybody but it will give you a brief idea of exactly what is available within that market.
You then need to figure out which markets are currently looking for new writers. Your search will be similar in some ways but you will have to add a little on to your original search to get the results that you will need. Adding two little words to the back of your search will offer some surprising results. Use the term Submission Guidelines in your search and you will now have a list of instructions for submission to these sites.
Again, this will not be enough but it will provide you with some additional markets and you should begin taking notes of those markets that are hiring in your prospective field. Add a few other search terms, mix and match them and before long you will have a long list of publications and web sites which may be looking for your materials. Try searching for Writer's Guidelines as well. This term usually returns results for publications that are actually seeking writers and not just a general submission standard that may include everything from authors to graphic artists, and on down the line of people required to put a publication together.
Pay Schedules is another term that you may want to look up as well. Payment Rates, Writer's Rates and keep on searching along these lines until you find those publications that more exactly meet your requirements. Finding a market that pays is not nearly as difficult as some people will make it out to be. However, to find the ones that you will be comfortable working with for a rate that you are comfortable working for, it may take a little more work on your part.
The more comfortable you are in a market and the more comfortable you are with the pay the happier you will be with the whole writing environment. If you are like most people, this will be reflected in your writing as well. This cycle can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy but if you are willing to do a little bit of work and research before you begin your writing, you will save yourself a lot of grief in the long run.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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So, you have decided to make the leap and become a professional writer. You have been practicing, getting better and working out all of the bugs and now you are ready to go but there is still one little problem. You have no clue where to go to find paying markets and you have no idea what to do once you find them. One solution is to work for free but that is really not a viable alternative for most people. So what do you do now?
If you are planning on making a living writing on the internet, you will soon discover that the search engines are you new best friends. You can use the search engines to discover new markets, figure out how much they pay and even discover ones that will allow you to continue making a living in your selected field.
The best place to start is by doing a search for the actual subject of your writing. For example, if you wanted to write in the Science Fiction genre you could look up Science Fiction and you will find a great number of markets. Still, that will not be enough to get you accepted by anybody but it will give you a brief idea of exactly what is available within that market.
You then need to figure out which markets are currently looking for new writers. Your search will be similar in some ways but you will have to add a little on to your original search to get the results that you will need. Adding two little words to the back of your search will offer some surprising results. Use the term Submission Guidelines in your search and you will now have a list of instructions for submission to these sites.
Again, this will not be enough but it will provide you with some additional markets and you should begin taking notes of those markets that are hiring in your prospective field. Add a few other search terms, mix and match them and before long you will have a long list of publications and web sites which may be looking for your materials. Try searching for Writer's Guidelines as well. This term usually returns results for publications that are actually seeking writers and not just a general submission standard that may include everything from authors to graphic artists, and on down the line of people required to put a publication together.
Pay Schedules is another term that you may want to look up as well. Payment Rates, Writer's Rates and keep on searching along these lines until you find those publications that more exactly meet your requirements. Finding a market that pays is not nearly as difficult as some people will make it out to be. However, to find the ones that you will be comfortable working with for a rate that you are comfortable working for, it may take a little more work on your part.
The more comfortable you are in a market and the more comfortable you are with the pay the happier you will be with the whole writing environment. If you are like most people, this will be reflected in your writing as well. This cycle can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy but if you are willing to do a little bit of work and research before you begin your writing, you will save yourself a lot of grief in the long run.
Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.
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